Sunday, May 06, 2012

beauty of darkness and the black cloud

पश्यति दिशि दिशि रहसि भवन्तं त्वदधरमधुरमधूनि पिबन्तं।
नाथ हरे!  सीदति राधा वासगृहे॥१
त्वदभिसरणरभसेन वलन्ती पतति पदानि कियन्ति चलन्ती।
नाथ हरे!  सीदति राधा वासगृहे॥२॥
विहितविशदविसकिसलयवलया जीवति परमिह तवरतिकलया।
नाथ हरे!  सीदति राधा वासगृहे॥३॥
मुहुरवलोकनमण्डनलीला मधुरिपुरहमिति भावनशीला।
नाथ हरे!  सीदति राधा वासगृहे॥४॥
त्वरितमुपैति न कथमभिसारं हरिरितिवदति सखीमनुवारं।
नाथ हरे!  सीदति राधा वासगृहे॥५॥
श्लिष्यति चुंबति जलधरकल्पं हरिरुपगत इति तिमिरमनल्पं।
नाथ हरे!  सीदति राधा वासगृहे॥६॥
भवति विळम्बिनि विगळितलज्जा विलपति रोदिति वासकलज्जा।
नाथ हरे!  सीदति राधा वासगृहे॥७॥
श्रीजयदेवकवेरिदमुदितं रसिकजनं तनुतामतिमुदितम्।
नाथ हरे!  सीदति राधा वासगृहे॥८॥
इति श्रीजयदेवकविराजविरचिते गीतगोविन्दे अष्टपदी  १२

paśyati diśi diśi rahasi bhavantaṁ tvadadharamadhuramadhūnipibantaṁ|

nātha hare  sīdati rādhā vāsagṛhe||1
tvadabhisaraṇarabhasena valantī patati padāni kiyanti calantī|
nātha hare  sīdati rādhā vāsagṛhe||2||
vihitaviśadavisakisalayavalayā jīvati paramiha tavaratikalayā|
nātha hare  sīdati rādhā vāsagṛhe||3||
muhuravalokanamaṇḍanalīlā madhuripurahamiti bhāvanaśīlā|
nātha hare  sīdati rādhā vāsagṛhe||4||
tvaritamupaiti na kathamabhisāraṁ hariritivadati sakhīmanuvāraṁ|
nātha hare  sīdati rādhā vāsagṛhe||5||
śliṣyati cuṁbati jaladharakalpaṁ harirupagata iti timiramanalpaṁ|
nātha hare  sīdati rādhā vāsagṛhe||6||
bhavati viḻambini vigaḻitalajjā vialpati roditi vāsakalajjā|
nātha hare  sīdati rādhā vāsagṛhe||7||
śrījayadevakaveridamuditaṁ rasikajanaṁ tanutāmatimuditam|
nātha hare  sīdati rādhā vāsagṛhe||8||
iti śrījayadevakavirājaviracite gītagovinde aṣṭapadī  12

This is a very beautiful song of separation from Jayadevas Giitagovinda.. Here Radha is undergoing the pangs of separation from Krishna and at the same time is in desperation and anger mixed with love for Krishna because she had been informed by her friends that the debonair lover is having a nice time with other girls. Radha is never pleased with such activities of Krishna but then her love for Him is eternal..So she is left  in a state where she is smouldered by the fire of separation from Krishna.
The condition of Radha is explained to Madhava  in detail by a friend and emissary who has approached the lover who has gone away in mock estrangement.

1. You Hari the master, Radha is visualizing that you are engaged in kissing and loving other girls in secret places and they are drinking the nectar of your lips. So she is sitting in her bower in utter sorrow with a broken heart.

2. You Hari the master, Radha made a brave attempt to come in search of you, but out of sorrow and tiredness she has fallen down in her place even while she was taking a few steps towards your rendezvous. Therefore she is sitting in her bower in utter sorrow with a broken heart

3.You Hari the master, Radha is being  burnt by the fire of love but she is just remaining alive in her place covering herself with cooling aids like covering her body with the stalks of the lotus, just  keeping alive in the desperated hope that you will come back to her and love her to hear hearts content. Therefore she is sitting in her bower in utter sorrow with a broken heart

4. You Hari the master, she has adorned herself in exquisite clothes and jewellery in the expectation that she will be receiving you in her place, and she is hallucinating that the jewellery and other adornments represent you and so she is herself Madhava..Therefore she is sitting in her bower in utter sorrow with a broken heart

5.You Hari the master, as if in a stupour she is repeatedly asking the friends why You are not coming to her and giving  her love. Thus she is sitting in her bower in utter sorrow with a broken heart

6. You Hari, the master,  Radha, in her hallucination is seeing you in the darkness of her abode which is resembling the blackest cloud, you the personification of the beauty of blackness and is making mock embraces  and giving kisses to that darkn
ess. Therefore she is sitting in her bower in utter sorrow with a broken heart

7. You Hari, the master, she has kept her abode clean, and has adorned herself to the greatest beauty in the expectation that she will be receiving you immediately,  but now desperate that you have not yet visited her, she is shedding tears. Therefore she is sitting in her bower in utter sorrow with a broken heart

8. May this beautiful song of Jayadeva describing the vipralamba state of Radha, please the hearts of all the readers and shower on them the blessings of Hari.

Gitagovindam can be taken as simply a series of songs describing the separation of two lovers who loved each other too warmly.  But there is the undercurrent of the mundane bhakta seeking the Divine Madhava.. which idea has  made the Kavya immortal.


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