Monday, June 04, 2012

Sree Rama Ashtottara Satanaama Stotram

Sree Rama Ashtottara Satanaama Stotram

श्रीराघवं दशरथात्मजमप्रमेयं
सीतापतिं रघुकुलान्वयरत्नदीपम्‌।
रामं निशाचरविनाशकरं नमामि॥
I bow to Sri Rama who is the son of Dasaratha,  who is without any comparison, who is the consort of Seetha, who is the gem and leadking light of the clan of Raghus,  who is having his lomg arms upto his knee, who is having eyes resembling the petals of  lotus flower, and who is the annihilator of the wanderers in the night, the Rakshasaas.
वैदेहीसहितं सुरद्रुमतले हैमे महामण्डपे
मध्ये पुष्पकमासने मणिमये वीरासने सुस्थितम्‌।
अग्रे वाचयति प्रभञ्जनसुते तत्त्वं मुनिभ्यः परं
व्याख्यान्तं भरतादिभिः परिवृतं रामं भजे श्यामलम्‌॥
I bow to the dark hued Rama who is seated in the Shade of the Divine Kalpavriksha in the company of the daughter of Videha, Seetha, seated on a grand pedestal of gold inside the Pushpaka Vimana, sporting the posture of the bravest hero, with  the son of Prabhanjana explaining the great principles of  Shastras in the presence of many sages, and who is surrounded by his brothers Bharatha etc..
श्रीरामो रामभद्रश्च रामचन्द्रश्च शाश्वतः।
राजीवलोचनः श्रीमान्‌ राजेन्द्रो रघुपुङ्गवः॥ १॥
जानकीवल्लभो जैत्रो जितामित्रो जनार्दनः।
विश्वामित्रप्रियो दान्तः शत्रुजिच्छत्रुतापनः॥ २॥
He is Sri Rama.  He is the Rama who is the harbinger of welfare and security. He is the Rama who resembles the moon. He is the eternal.  His eyes resemble lotuses. He is the master of the goddess of wealth. He is the Indra among kings.  He is the foremost among the scions of the clan of raghu.  He is the dear husband of the daughter of Janaka. He is ever successful. He has attained victory over all enemies.  He is the protector of men.  He is the favourite disciple of Vishwamitra. He is a great give.  He is the vanquisher of enemies.  He is the one who give sorrow to enemies.
वालिप्रमथनो वाग्मी सत्यवाक्‌ सत्यविक्रमः।
सत्यव्रतो व्रतधरः सदा हनुमदाश्रितः॥ ३॥
कौसलेयः खरध्वंसी विराधवधपण्डितः।
विभीषणपरित्राता हरकोदण्डखण्डनः॥ ४॥
He meted out punishment to Vali. He is a great orator. His words are ever truthful. He applied his valour in furtherance of truth.  He is the one whose solemn vow is to uphold truth.  He is engaged in vratas while living in forest.  He is ever served by the inimitable Hanuman. He is the son of Kausalya. He is the one who annihilated the Rakshasa by name Khara.  He meticulously decimated Viraadha. He is the protector of Vibheeshana.  He broke the bow of Hara, the Lord Shiva.
सप्ततालप्रभेत्ता च दशग्रीवशिरोहरः।
जामदग्न्यमहादर्पदलनस्ताटकान्तकः॥ ५॥
वेदान्तसारो वेदात्मा भवरोगस्य भेषजम्‌।
दूषणत्रिशिरो हन्ता त्रिमूर्तिस्त्रिगुणात्मकः॥ ६॥
He , with one stroke of an arrow, floored seven palm trees  standing  not in a row.  He cut off all the ten heads of Ravana.  He mitigated the great arroganace of the son of Jamadagni, the Parasurama. He is the killer of the terrible demoness Taadaka.  He is the essence in human form of all vedantatattwas.  He is the soul of Vedas.  He is the medicine for the earthly woes of his devotees. He is the killer of the two demons Dooshana and Trishiras.  He is the embodiment of the triumvirate Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.  He is the instigator of the three gunas Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas.
त्रिविक्रमस्त्रिलोकात्मा पुण्यचारित्रकीर्तनः।
त्रिलोकरक्षको धन्वी दण्डकारण्यपावनः॥ ७॥
अहल्याशापशमनः पितृभक्तो वरप्रदः।
जितेन्द्रियो जितक्रोधो जितामित्रो जगद्गुरुः॥ ८॥
He manifested as Trivikrama to take back the entire universe from Bali. He is the soul of the three worlds.  He is one who is praised for his chastity and virtues.  He is the protector of the three worlds.  He is the owner of the great bow Kothanda.  He is the one who sanctified the Dandaka forest with his presence.  He released Ahalya from her curse and restored her to human form from the petrified state.  He is devoted to his father Dasarath.  He is the dispenser of boons. He has gained absolute victory over his organs.  He has vanquished anger. He has scored victory over all enemies.  He is the preceptor of the whole world.
ऋक्षवानरसंघाती चित्रकूटसमाश्रयः।
जयन्तत्राणवरदः सुमित्रापुत्रसेवितः॥ ९॥
सर्वदेवादिदेवश्च मृतवानरजीवनः।
मायामारीचहन्ता च महादेवो महाभुजः॥ १०॥
He is the organiser of boars and monkeys in Kishkinda. He is the one who stayed happily in chitrakuuta.  He forgave and gave refuge to Jayantha who, in the form of a crow tried to cause disturbance  to  Seetha.  He is always served by Lakshmana the  son of Sumitra.  He is the Lord of all Gods and the senior Gods.  He is the one who brought to life the vanaras who has laid down their lives in the war with Ravana.  He is the one who killed the deceitful Mareecha.  He is Mahadeva, the Siva.  He has long arms.
सर्वदेवस्तुतः सौम्यो ब्रह्मण्यो मुनिसंस्तुतः।
महायोगी महोदारः सुग्रीवेप्सितराज्यदः॥ ११॥
सर्वपुण्याधिकफलः स्मृतसर्वाघनाशनः।
आदिदेवो महादेवो महापूरुष एव च॥ १२॥
He is praised by all devas.  He is mils.  He is the supported of Brahmanya. He is eulogized by the sages.  He is a great practitioner of Yoga. He is exceedingly generous.  He is the one  who gave to Sugriva  the kingdom of Kishkinda  coveted by him.  He is the personification of the realization of all effects of punyas and virtues.  He is the one who, when devotees meditate upon him, destroys all their sins.
पुण्योदयो दयासारः पुराणपुरुषोत्तमः।
स्मितवक्त्रो मिताभाषी पूर्वभाषी च राघवः॥ १३॥
अनन्तगुणगम्भीरो धीरोदात्तगुणोत्तमः।
मायामानुषचारित्रो महादेवादिपूजितः॥ १४॥
He is the source of all punyas. He is the essence of compassion. He is the primordial purusha praised in puranas.  He is the one who has a smile always in his face.  He is of controlled speech.  He speaks first in all important assemblies.  He is the graceful receptacle of innumerable virtues.  He is  possessed of the ideal virtue of extreme bravery.  He is seen in human form only as illusion.  He is worshipped by  gods like Mahadeva.
सेतुकृज्जितवारीशः सर्वतीर्थमयो हरिः।
श्यामाङ्गः सुन्दरः शूरः पीतवासा धनुर्धरः॥ १५॥
सर्वयज्ञाधिपो यज्वा जरामरणवर्जितः।
शिवलिङ्गप्रतिष्ठाता सर्वावगुणवर्जितः॥ १६॥
He is the bulder of bridge across the ocean. He is the vanquisher of the sea-god.  He is the embodiment of all holy waters.  He is the destroyer of sins, Hari.  He is of  beautiful black body. He is very attractive.  He is very valorous.  He wears yellow cloth. He has a bow in his hand.  He is the master of all sacrifices.  He is the one who performs the sacrifices.  He is devoid of old age and death.  He installed a Shivalinga in Rameswaram.  He is bereft of all bad qualities.
परमात्मा परं ब्रह्म सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहः।
परं ज्योतिः परंधाम पराकाशः परात्परः॥ १७॥
परेशः पारगः पारः सर्वदेवात्मकः परः॥
He is the supreme soul.  He is the supreme Brahma.  He is the embodiment of sat chit aananda.  He is the supreme effulgence.  He is the supreme abode.  He is the supreme sky.  He is the supremest of the supremes.  He is the master of all.  He is the most learned.  He is the one who allows his devotees to cross the ocean of Karma. He is the embodiment of all Gods.  He is the supreme God.
॥ इति श्रीरामाष्टोत्तरशतनामस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम्‌॥
The 108 names of Sree rama is thus complete.

Transliteration of the stotram in English.
śrīrāghava daśarathātmajamaprameya
sītāpati raghukulānvayaratnadīpam |
rāma niśācaravināśakara namāmi ||
vaidehīsahita suradrumatale haime mahāmaṇḍape
madhye pupakamāsane maimaye vīrāsane susthitam |
agre vācayati prabhañjanasute tattva munibhya para
vyākhyānta bharatādibhi parivta rāma bhaje śyāmalam ||
śrīrāmo rāmabhadraśca rāmacandraśca śāśvata |
rājīvalocana śrīmān rājendro raghupugava || 1||
jānakīvallabho jaitro jitāmitro janārdana |
viśvāmitrapriyo dānta śatrujicchatrutāpana || 2||
vālipramathano vāgmī satyavāk satyavikrama |
satyavrato vratadhara sadā hanumadāśrita || 3||
kausaleya kharadhvasī virādhavadhapaṇḍita |
vibhīaaparitrātā harakodaṇḍakhaṇḍana || 4||
saptatālaprabhettā ca daśagrīvaśirohara |
jāmadagnyamahādarpadalanastāakāntaka || 5||
vedāntasāro vedātmā bhavarogasya bheajam |
aatriśiro hantā trimūrtistriguātmaka || 6||
trivikramastrilokātmā puyacāritrakīrtana |
trilokarakako dhanvī daṇḍakārayapāvana || 7||
ahalyāśāpaśamana pitbhakto varaprada |
jitendriyo jitakrodho jitāmitro jagadguru || 8||
kavānarasaghātī citrakūasamāśraya |
jayantatrāavarada sumitrāputrasevita || 9||
sarvadevādidevaśca mtavānarajīvana |
māyāmārīcahantā ca mahādevo mahābhuja || 10||
sarvadevastuta saumyo brahmayo munisastuta |
mahāyogī mahodāra sugrīvepsitarājyada || 11||
sarvapuyādhikaphala smtasarvāghanāśana |
ādidevo mahādevo mahāpūrua eva ca || 12||
puyodayo dayāsāra purāapuruottama |
smitavaktro mitābhāī pūrvabhāī ca rāghava || 13||
anantaguagambhīro dhīrodāttaguottama |
māyāmānuacāritro mahādevādipūjita || 14||
setukjjitavārīśa sarvatīrthamayo hari |
śyāmāga sundara śūra pītavāsā dhanurdhara || 15||
sarvayajñādhipo yajvā jarāmaraavarjita |
śivaligapratiṣṭhātā sarvāvaguavarjita || 16||
paramātmā para brahma saccidānandavigraha |
para jyoti paradhāma parākāśa parātpara || 17||
pareśa pāraga pāra sarvadevātmaka para ||
|| iti śrīrāmāṣṭottaraśatanāmastotra sampūram ||

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