Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sundarakandam chapter 58 2

ततः पश्याम्यहं देवीं सुरसां नागमातरं।
समुद्रमध्ये सा देवी वचनं मामभाषत॥ ५-५८-२१
मम भक्ष्यः प्रदिष्टः त्वं अमरैः हरिसत्तम।
ततः त्वां भक्षयिष्यामि विहितः त्वं चिरस्य मे॥ ५-५८-२२
एवमुक्तः सुरसया प्राञ्जलिः प्रणतः स्थितः।
विवर्ण वदनो भूत्वा वाक्यम् एतमुदीरयम्॥ ५-५८-२३
रामो दाशरथिः श्रीमान् प्रविष्टो दण्डकावनम्।
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा सीतया च परन्तपः॥ ५-५८-२४
तस्य सीता हृता भार्या रावणेन दुरात्मना।
तस्याः सकाशम् दूतोऽहं गमिष्ये रामशासनात्॥ ५-५८-२५
कर्तुमर्हसि रामस्य साह्यम् विषयवासिनि।
अथवा मैथिलीं दृष्ट्वा रामं च अक्लिष्टकारिणं॥ ५-५८-२६
आगमिष्यामि ते वक्त्रं सत्यं प्रतिशृणोति मे।
एवमुक्ता मया सा तु सुरसा कामरूपिणी॥ ५-५८-२७
अब्रवीन् नातिवर्तेत कश्चिदेष वरो मम।
एवमुक्तः सुरसया दशयोजनमायतः॥ ५-५८-२८
ततोऽर्धगुण विस्तारो बभूवाहं क्षणेन तु।
मत् प्रमाणानुरूपं च व्यादितं तन्मुखम् तया॥ ५-५८-२९
तत् दृष्ट्वा व्यादितं त्वास्यं ह्रस्वं ह्यकरवं वपुः।
तस्मिन् मुहूर्ते च पुनः बभूवाङ्गुष्ठ सम्मितः॥ ५-५८-३०
अभिपत्याशु तद्वक्त्रम् निर्गतोऽहम् ततः क्षणात्।
अब्रवीत् सुरसा देवी स्वेन रूपेण मां पुनः॥ ५-५८-३१
अर्थसिद्ध्यै हरिश्रेष्ठ गच्छ सौम्य यथा सुखं।
समानय च वैदेहीं राघवेण महात्मना॥ ५-५८-३२
सुखी भव महाबाहो प्रीताऽस्मि तव वानर।
ततोऽहम् साधु साध्वीति सर्वभूतैः प्रशम्सितः॥ ५-५८-३३
ततोऽन्तरिक्षं विपुलं प्लुतोऽहं गरुडो यथा।
छाया मे निगृहीता च न च पश्यामि किम्चन॥ ५-५८-३४
सोऽहं विगत वेगस्तु दिशो दश विलोकयन्।
न किञ्चित् तत्र पश्यामि येन मेऽपहृता गतिः॥ ५-५८-३५
ततो मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना किं नाम गमने मम।
ईदृशो विघ्न उत्पन्नो रूपं यत्र न दृश्यते॥ ५-५८-३६
अधोभागेन मे दृष्टिः शोचता पातिता मया।
ततोऽद्राक्षम् अहं भीमां राक्षसीं सलिले शयाम्॥ ५-५८-३७
प्रहस्य च महानादं उक्तोऽहं भीमया तया।
अवस्थितं असम्भ्रान्तं इदं वाक्यं अशोभनं॥ ५-५८-३८
क्व असि गन्ता महाकाय क्षुधिताया ममेप्सितः।
भक्षः प्रीणय मे देहं चिरम् आहारवर्जितम्॥ ५-५८-३९
बाढं इत्येव तां वाणीं प्रत्यगृह्णामहम् ततः।
आस्यप्रमाणादधिकं तस्याः कायं अपूरयं॥ ५-५८-४०
तस्याः चास्यं महत् भीमं वर्धते मम भक्षणे।
न च मां सा तु बुबुधे मम वा विकृतं कृतम्॥ ५-५८-४१
ततोऽहम् विपुलं रूपं सम्क्षिप्य निमिषान्तरात्।
तस्या हृदयं आदाय प्रपतामि नभस्तलम्॥ ५-५८-४२
सा विसृष्टभुजा भीमा पपात लवणाम्भसि।
मया पर्वत सम्काशा निकृत्त हृदया सती॥ ५-५८-४३
शृणोमि खगतानाम् च सिद्धानाम् चारणैः सह।
राक्षसी सिम्हिका भीमा क्षिप्रं हनुमता हृता॥ ५-५८-४४
tataḥ paśyāmyahaṁ devīṁ surasāṁ nāgamātaraṁ |
samudramadhye sā devī vacanaṁ māmabhāṣata || 5-58-21
mama bhakṣyaḥ pradiṣṭaḥ tvaṁ amaraiḥ harisattama |
tataḥ tvāṁ bhakṣayiṣyāmi vihitaḥ tvaṁ cirasya me || 5-58-22
evamuktaḥ surasayā prāñjaliḥ praṇataḥ sthitaḥ |
vivarṇa vadano bhūtvā vākyam etamudīrayam || 5-58-23
rāmo dāśarathiḥ śrīmān praviṣṭo daṇḍakāvanam |
lakṣmaṇena saha bhrātrā sītayā ca parantapaḥ || 5-58-24
tasya sītā hṛtā bhāryā rāvaṇena durātmanā |
tasyāḥ sakāśam dūto'haṁ gamiṣye rāmaśāsanāt || 5-58-25
kartumarhasi rāmasya sāhyam viṣayavāsini |
athavā maithilīṁ dṛṣṭvā rāmaṁ ca akliṣṭakāriṇaṁ || 5-58-26
āgamiṣyāmi te vaktraṁ satyaṁ pratiśṛṇoti me |
evamuktā mayā sā tu surasā kāmarūpiṇī || 5-58-27
abravīn nātivarteta kaścideṣa varo mama |
evamuktaḥ surasayā daśayojanamāyataḥ || 5-58-28
tato'rdhaguṇa vistāro babhūvāhaṁ kṣaṇena tu |
mat pramāṇānurūpaṁ ca vyāditaṁ tanmukham tayā || 5-58-29
tat dṛṣṭvā vyāditaṁ tvāsyaṁ hrasvaṁ hyakaravaṁ vapuḥ |
tasmin muhūrte ca punaḥ babhūvāṅguṣṭha sammitaḥ || 5-58-30
abhipatyāaśu tadvaktram nirgato'ham tataḥ kṣaṇāt |
abravīt surasā devī svena rūpeṇa māṁ punaḥ || 5-58-31
arthasiddhyai hariśreṣṭha gaccha saumya yathā sukhaṁ |
samānaya ca vaidehīṁ rāghaveṇa mahātmanā || 5-58-32
sukhī bhava mahābāho prītā'smi tava vānara |
tato'ham sādhu sādhvīti sarvabhūtaiḥ praśamsitaḥ || 5-58-33
tato'ntarikṣaṁ vipulaṁ pluto'haṁ garuḍo yathā |
chāyā me nigṛhītā ca na ca paśyāmi kimcana || 5-58-34
so'haṁ vigata vegastu diśo daśa vilokayan |
na kiñcit tatra paśyāmi yena me'pahṛtā gatiḥ || 5-58-35
tato me buddhirutpannā kiṁ nāma gamane mama |
īdṛśo vighna utpanno rūpaṁ yatra na dṛśyate || 5-58-36
adhobhāgena me dṛṣṭiḥ śocatā pātitā mayā |
tato'drākṣam ahaṁ bhīmāṁ rākṣasīṁ salile śayām || 5-58-37
prahasya ca mahānādaṁ ukto'haṁ bhīmayā tayā |
avasthitaṁ asambhrāntaṁ idaṁ vākyaṁ aśobhanaṁ || 5-58-38
kva asi gantā mahākāya kṣudhitāyā mamepsitaḥ |
bhakṣaḥ prīṇaya me dehaṁ ciram āhāravarjitam || 5-58-39
bāḍhaṁ ityeva tāṁ vāṇīṁ pratyagṛhṇāmaham tataḥ |
āsyapramāṇādadhikaṁ tasyāḥ kāyaṁ apūrayaṁ || 5-58-40
tasyāḥ cāasyaṁ mahat bhīmaṁ vardhate mama bhakṣaṇe |
na ca māṁ sā tu bubudhe mama vā vikṛtaṁ kṛtam || 5-58-41
tato'ham vipulaṁ rūpaṁ samkṣipya nimiṣāntarāt |
tasyā hṛdayaṁ ādāya prapatāmi nabhastalam || 5-58-42
sā visṛṣṭabhujā bhīmā papāta lavaṇāmbhasi |
mayā parvata samkāśā nikṛtta hṛdayā satī || 5-58-43
śṛṇomi khagatānām ca siddhānām cāraṇaiḥ saha |
rākṣasī simhikā bhīmā kṣipraṁ hanumatā hṛtā || 5-58-44

As I forged ahead on my way to the shores of Lanka, Devi Surasa, the mother of all snakes appeared  before me and accosted me on my path. She informed me that I am ordained as her days food by the gods. Therefore she would eat me, she continued.  She considered me  her most suitable food of her lifetime.  When I was told by her like that I stopped before her with folded hands in utter respect.  The healthy colour of my face vanished on the face of such a demand from the divine mother.  I  presented before her the following words.  “Sri Rama, the son of Dasaratha, came for a sojourn as ascetic in the Dandakaaranya to fulfil the desires of his valiant father.  He was accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana.  The virtuous Sita is abducted to Lanka by the evil demon Ravana.  I am on my way to Lanka  as an emissary from Rama  in search of her. This I am doing under the directions of Rama.
Oh divine mother, may you be pleased to help me in the service of Rama.  If you are too insistent that I should become your food, I promise you that I shall surrender myself to you after finding out where Seetha is and after taking message from Sita to Rama and paving the  way for his reunion with Sita."   But Devi Surasa who is capable of assuming any huge form, warned me that no one can, after being sought by her, have the power go away from her, and that was the boon given to her by divinities.  Then she  expanded her  form and enlarged it to a width of ten Yojanas. Immediately I shrunk myself to half that size. Then she also reduced her girth to fit my size.  Seeing her narrowed down mouth  I reduced my size to that of the little finger of a hand. In that thumbsized form I simply jumped in and out of the mouth of the mother of Nagas.  Her condition that I should enter her mouth was satisfied.  It was only a test for me.  The Divine mother took her normal form and bade me to proceed towards the fulfilment of my mission and blessed me to unite Vaidehi with Raghava, the exalted soul.   She blessed me with eternal welfare and stated that she was pleased with me. 
Watching  this wonderful episode  all the elements and beings on earth praised it as a great achievement.
Then once again I soared skywards and proceeded in the direction of Lanka. 
While moving ahead I felt as if my shadow has been captured by some eerie creature.  My momentum was lost and I could not move towards any of the ten directions.  I could not guess who had obliterated my path.  Then I began tosearhc if  there was anything manifest anywhere blocking my forward movement. Then I looked downwards in anxiety and exhaustion.  There I saw an ogress lying in the ocean.  She laughed aloud shouted these words at me, even though I was not perturbed by it. “Who are you of huge body., where are you going?  I am lying here without food for a long time and you will form sumptuous meal for me." I said, “Let us see” and I went to her and filled entered her mouth tight to the extent it was opened
And her mouth was expanding to consume me as the food.  But she was not aware of my capacity and my astuteness. I reduced the size of my body, caught hold of her heart and lifted her and jumped up in the air.  And after carrying her to great heights I just relaxed my grip and let her fall back to the salty ocean.  She lost her life in that fall. 
Then I heard the Sidhdhas and charanas moving in the aerial routes who has watched the entire episode exclaiming to one another, “ the evil ogress Simhika has been easily executed by the great Hanuman”

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