Monday, April 29, 2013

भजरे यदुनाथं

भजरे यदुनाथं मानस भजरे यदुनाथं

bhajare yadunāthaṁ mānasa bhajare yadunāthaṁ
You silly mind of mine, you dwell for ever on that master of the clan of Yadhus
You silly mind of mine, you dwell for ever on that master of the clan of Yadhus

गोपकिशोरं अद्भुतलीलं

gopakiśoraṁ adbhutalīlaṁ
That fellow who is engrossed in the embraces of the damsels of the land of cowherds
Though an impish little child, performing wonderful pranks

कपटाङ्गीकृत मानुषवेषं
कपटनाट्यकृत कृत्स्नसुवेषं

kapaṭāṅgīkṛta mānuṣaveṣaṁ
kapaṭanāṭyakṛta kṛtsnasuveṣaṁ
The fellow who has taken human form just to deceive us
That master of dramatics and disguise..

परमहंस हृत्तत्त्वस्वरूपं
प्रणवपयोधर प्रणव स्वरूपं।

paramahaṁsa hṛttattvasvrūpaṁ
praṇavapayodhara praṇava svarūpaṁ|
That fellow who is the ultimate truth manifesting in the hearts of sages
The source of the torrent of Pranava the primordial word and He himself taking shape as Omkara

भजरे यदुनाथं मानस भजरे यदुनाथं

bhajare yadunāthaṁ mānasa bhajare yadunāthaṁ
You silly mind of mine, you dwell for ever on that master of the clan of Yadhus
You silly mind of mine, you dwell for ever on that master of the clan of Yadhus

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