Monday, July 28, 2014

cosmetics cannot hide

जरा रूपं हरति धैर्यमाशा मृत्युः प्राणान् धर्मचर्यामसूया।
क्रोधः श्रियं शीलमनार्यसेवा ह्रियं कामः सर्वमेवाभिमानः॥
jarā rūpaṁ harati dhairyamāśā mṛtyuḥ prāṇān dharmacaryāmasūyā|
krodhaḥ śriyaṁ śīlamanāryasevā hriyaṁ kāmaḥ sarvamevābhimānaḥ||
ജരാ രൂപം ഹരതി ധൈര്യമാശാ മൃത്യു: പ്രാണാന്‍ ധര്‍മചര്യാമസൂയാ
ക്രോധ: ശ്രിയം ശീലം അനാര്യസേവാ ഹ്രിയം കാമഃ സര്‍വമേവാഭിമാനഃ
Old age destroys the beauty and attractiveness of the body
Excessive attachment or covetousness drains one's courage
Death obviously takes away one's life
Jealousy simply takes away the sense of propriety and virtue
Extreme anger annihilates our wealth and affluence
Our character and conduct touches lowest levels when we serve bad bosses
Excessive lust and desire for sensual pleasures relieve us of any sense of shame
Misplaced pride can cost us everything that is worth possessing..

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