Sunday, October 05, 2014

Her mighty presence..

Her mighty presence..

हंसयुक्तविमानस्थे ब्रह्माणीरूपधारिणि
कौशांभः क्षरिके देवि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते -१३
त्रिशूलचंद्राहिधरे महावृषभवाहिनि
माहेश्वरीस्वरूपेण नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते -१४
मयूरकुक्कुटवृते महाशक्तिधरेऽनघे
कौमारीरूपसंस्थाने नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते -१५
शङ्खचक्र्गदाशार्ङ्ख गृहीत परमायुधे
प्रसीद वैष्णवी रूपे नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते -१६
गृहीतोग्रमहाचक्रे दंष्ट्रोद्धृतवसुंधरे
वराहरूपिणि शिवे नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते -१७
नृसिंहरूपेणोग्रेण हन्तुं दैत्यान्कृतोद्यमे
त्रैलोक्यत्राणसहिते नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते -१८
किरीटिनि महावज्रे सहस्रनयनोज्जले
वृत्रप्राणहरे चैंद्रि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते -१९
शिवदूतीस्वरूपेण हतदैत्यमहाबले
घोररूपे महारावे नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते -२०
दंष्ट्राकरालवदने शिरोमालाविभूषणे
चामुण्डे मुण्डमथने नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते -२१
(from Chapter XI.. Naarayanee Stuthi of Devee Markandeya Puranam)

hamsayukthavimaanasthey brahmaaniroopadhaarinee

kaushaambhaH kshurike devee naaraayani namostutey

thrisoolachandraahidharey mahaa vrushabhavaahinee

maaheshwareeswaroopena naarayaani namostutey

mayoorakukkutavritey mahaashakthidharenaghey

kaumareeroopa samsthaaney narayani namostutey.

shangachakragadhaashaargha grueeta paramaayudhey

praseedha vasihnavee roopey naaraayani namostutey

gruheetogramahaachakrey damshtroddhrutavasundharey

varaahoopinee shive naarayani namostutey

nrusimhsroopenogrena hanthum daitayaan kritodhyamey

trailokythraana sahitey naaraayani namostutey

kireetinee mahavajre sahasranayanojjvale

vrutrapraanahare chendree naarayaani namostutey

shivadooti swaroopen hatadaityamahaabhaley

ghoraroopey maharaave naaraayani namostutey

damshtraakaraalavadhane shiromaalaa vibhooshaney

chaamunde mundamathane naaraayani namostutey

The Diven Mother sitting in a chariot shaped like a swan, having assumed the form of Brahmaanee, sprinkling water from Kusha grass on all the universe,
 May our prayers and pranams be offered to Narayani

Mother sitting atop a huge Bull Vrishaba, wearing trident, crescent moon and snakes,, having assumed the name of Maahesvarii..
May our prayers and pranams be offered to Narayani

Mounted on a Peacock and holding the flagstaff of a rooster, and havina shakti in her hand, having assume the form of Kaumarii,,
May our prayers and pranams be offered to Narayani

Holding a Conch, a Discus, a Sword as supreme weapons you are pleased to assume the form of Vaishnavee. 
May our prayers and pranams be offered to Narayani

Holding a huge Chakra and lifting the earth in her tusk( in her form as a huge boar), you have assumed the shape of Vaaraahee,,
May our prayers and pranams be offered to Narayani

Having assumed the form of Naarasimhee, capable of protecting the whole world and manifesting yourself prepared to kill all the demons, 
May our prayers and pranams be offered to Narayani

Wearing a resplendent diadem and holding the weapon of thunderbolt, ready to fight and kill the demon Vritra, she is the Aindree..May our prayers and pranams be offered to Narayani

Having manifested in a very fearful form and producing fearsome noises, and having employed Shiva as her messenger before starting the battle. she is Shivadooti..
May our prayers and pranams be offered to Narayani

Assuming ghory form with protruding fangs and black fearful form, and adorning herself with a garland of human skulls, She is ready to jump at the demons in her manifesstation as Chamunda..
May our prayers and pranams be offered to Narayani

these are the Nava Shaktis and the seven out of them,, excluding Naarasimhee and Shivadooti, are the Saptamatrikas....

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