Monday, November 03, 2014

protect us Durga Maa..

protect us Durga Maa.. 

शूलेन पाहि नो देवी पाहि खड्गेन चाम्बिके 

घण्डास्वनेन नः पाहि चापज्यानिःस्वनेन च॥२४॥ 
प्राच्यां रक्ष प्रतीच्यां च चण्डिके रक्ष दक्षिणे 
भ्रामणेनात्मशूलस्य उत्तरस्यां तथेश्वरि॥२५॥ 
सौम्यानि यानि रूपाणि त्रैलोक्ये विचरन्ति ते 
यानि चात्यन्तघोराणि तैरक्षांस्मांस्तथा भुवम्॥२६॥ 
घड्गशूलगदादीनि यानि चास्त्राणि तेऽम्बिके 
करपल्लवसङ्गीनि तैरस्मान् रक्ष सर्वतः॥२७॥ 
॥देवीमाहत्म्ये चतुर्थे अध्याये॥ 
śūlena pāhi no devī pāhi khaḍgena cāmbike 
khaṇḍāsvanena naḥ pāhi cāpajyāniḥsvanena ca ||24|| 
prācyāṁ rakṣa pratīcyāṁ ca caṇḍike rakṣa dakṣiṇe 
bhrāmaṇenātmaśūlasya uttarasyāṁ tatheśvari||25|| 
saumyāni yāni rūpāṇi trailokye vicaranti te 
yāni cātyantaghorāṇi tairakṣāṁsmāṁstathā bhuvam||26|| 
ghaḍgaśūlagadādīni yāni cāstrāṇi te'mbike 
karapallavasaṅgīni tairasmān rakṣa sarvataḥ||27|| 
||devīmāhatmye caturthe adhyāye|| 

Mother Ambika, protect me with your trident, protect me with your sword, protect me with the chime of your bells, protect me with the twang of your bowstring when it connects to the arrow. 

Protect me Mother Chandika, in the Eastern Directions, protect me in the western direction too, protect me in the South and protect me by the swirl of your trident in the northern direction. 

Mother, protect me and the earth too, manifesting yourself and going around the three worlds in your peaceful forms, and your grotesque and fearsome forms too. 

Ambika, may you protect us everywhere with all the weapons that are held by your hands which resemble tender leaves--weapons like swords, spears and maces.

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