Friday, April 17, 2015

the dhyanaslokam of our Lakshminarayanaswamy

the dhyanaslokam of  our Lakshminarayanaswamy 

क्षीरांभोनिधिरत्नमण्डपमहा सौवर्णसिंहासने
वामाङ्गस्थितया प्रसन्नवदनं श्रीकान्तयालिङ्गितम्।
दोर्द्दण्डाङ्गित शङ्खपङ्कजगदाचक्रं त्रिलोकेश्वरम्
संसारार्ण्णवतारकं प्रकलये लक्ष्मीश नारायणम्॥

ക്ഷീരാംഭോനിധി രത്നമപണ്ഡപമഹാ സൌവര്ണ്ണ സിംഹാസനെ
വാമാന്ഗസ്ഥിതയാ പ്രസന്നവദനം ശ്രീകാന്തയാലിംഗിതം
ദോര്ദ്ദണ്ഡാന്ഗിത ശങ്ഖപങ്കജഗദാചക്രം ത്രിലോകേശ്വരം
സംസാരാര്ണ്ണവ താരകം പ്രകലയെ ല്ക്ഷ്മീശ നാരായണം

kṣīrāṁbhonidhiratnamaṇḍapamahā sauvarṇasiṁhāsane
vāmāṅgasthitayā prasannavadanaṁ śrīkāntayāliṅgitam|
dorddaṇḍāṅgita śaṅkhapaṅkajagadācakraṁ trilokeśvaram
saṁsārārṇṇavatārakaṁ prakalaye lakṣmīśa nārāyaṇam||

I meditate upon Narayana who is the Lord and consort of Mother Laksmi,
He, who is seated on a golden throne placed in a decorated hall shining forth in the middle of the ocean of milk
He, who has a calm and attractive face
He, who is under the passionate embrace of the Goddess of Wealth who is seated on his left thigh,
He, who holds a conch, a lotus flower, a mace and discus on the two pairs of left and right hands
He, who is capable of enabling us, His devotees to keep afloat and cross the ocean of our own worldly woes

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