Friday, July 24, 2015

sree Ramachandraashtakam


सुग्रीवमित्रं परमं पवित्रं सीताकळत्रं नवमेघगात्रम्।

कारुण्यपात्रं शतपत्रनेत्रं श्रीरामचन्द्रं सततं नमामि॥१

संसारसारं निगमप्रचारं धर्म्मावतारं हृतभूमिभारम्।

सदानिर्व्विकारं सुखसिन्धुसारं श्रीरामचन्द्रं सततं नमामि॥२

लक्ष्मीविलासं जगतां निवासं भूदेववासं शरदिन्दुहासम्।

लङ्काविनाशं भुवनप्रकाशं श्रीरामचन्द्रं सततं नमामि॥३

मन्दारमालं वचने रसालं गुणैर्विशालं हृतसप्ततालम्।

क्रव्यादकालं सुरलोकपालं श्रीरामचन्द्रं सततं नमामि॥४

श्यामाभिरामं नयनाभिरामं गुणाभिरामं वचनाभिरामं।

विश्वप्रणामं कृतभक्तकामं श्रीरामचन्द्रं सततं नमामि॥५

वेदान्तवेद्यं सकलैश्च मान्यं हृतारिमानं क्रतुषु प्रधानम्।

गजेन्द्रपालं विगताभिमानं श्रीरामचन्द्रं सततं नमामि॥६

लीलाशरीरं रणरङ्गधीरं विश्वैकवीरं रघुवंशधीरम्।

गंभीरनादं जितसर्व्ववादं श्रीरामचन्द्रं सततं नमामि॥७

अघेऽतिभीतं सुजने विनीतं तमोविहीनं मनुवंशदीपं।

ताराप्रगीतं व्यसने च मित्रं श्रीरामचन्द्रं सततं नमामि॥८

रामचन्द्राष्टकं पुण्यं प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत्।

कोटिजन्मकृतं तस्य पापं सद्यो विनश्यति॥९


sugrīvamitraṃ paramaṃ pavitraṃ sītākaḻatraṃ navameghagātraṃ।

kāruṇyapātraṃ śatapatranetraṃ śrīrāmacandraṃ satataṃ namāmi॥1

saṃsārasāraṃ nigamapracāraṃ dharmmāvatāraṃ hṛtabhūmibhāraṃ।

sadānirvvikāraṃ sukhasindhusāraṃ śrīrāmacandraṃ satataṃ namāmi॥2

lakṣmīvilāsaṃ jagatāṃ nivāsaṃ bhūdevavāsaṃ śaradinduhāsaṃ।

laṅkāvināśaṃ bhuvanaprakāśaṃ śrīrāmacandraṃ satataṃ namāmi॥3

mandāramālaṃ vacane rasālaṃ guṇairviśālaṃ hṛtasaptatālaṃ।

kravyādakālaṃ suralokapālaṃ śrīrāmacandraṃ satataṃ namāmi॥4

śyāmābhirāmaṃ nayanābhirāmaṃ guṇābhirāmaṃ vacanābhirāmaṃ।

viśvapraṇāmaṃ kṛtabhaktakāmaṃ śrīrāmacandraṃ satataṃ namāmi॥5

vedāntavedyaṃ sakalaiśca mānyaṃ hṛtārimānaṃ kratuṣu pradhānaṃ।

gajendrapālaṃ vigatābhimānaṃ śrīrāmacandraṃ satataṃ namāmi॥6

līlāśarīraṃ raṇaraṅgadhīraṃ viśvaikavīraṃ raghuvaṃśadhīraṃ।

gaṃbhīranādaṃ jitasarvvavādaṃ śrīrāmacandraṃ satataṃ namāmi॥7

aghe'tibhītaṃ sujane vinītaṃ tamovihīnaṃ manuvaṃśadīpaṃ।

tārāpragītaṃ vyasane ca mitraṃ śrīrāmacandraṃ satataṃ namāmi॥8

rāmacandrāṣṭakaṃ puṇyaṃ prātarutthāya yaḥ paṭhet।

koṭijanmakṛtaṃ tasya pāpaṃ sadyo vinaśyati॥9


സുഗ്രീവമിത്രം പരമം പവിത്രം സീതാകളത്രം നവമേഘഗാത്രം।

കാരുണ്യപാത്രം ശതപത്രനേത്രം ശ്രീരാമചന്ദ്രം സതതം നമാമി॥1

സംസാരസാരം നിഗമപ്രചാരം ധര്‍മ്മാവതാരം ഹൃതഭൂമിഭാരം।

സദാ നിര്‍വ്വികാരം സുഖസിന്ധുസാരം ശ്രീരാമചന്ദ്രം സതതം നമാമി॥2

ലക്ഷ്മീവിലാസം ജഗതാം നിവാസം ഭൂദേവവാസം ശരദിന്ദുഹാസം।

ലങ്കാവിനാശം ഭുവനപ്രകാശം ശ്രീരാമചന്ദ്രം സതതം നമാമി॥3

മന്ദാരമാലം വചനേ രസാലം ഗുണൈര്വിശാലം ഹൃതസപ്തതാലം।

ക്രവ്യാദകാലം സുരലോകപാലം ശ്രീരാമചന്ദ്രം സതതം നമാമി॥4

ശ്യാമാഭിരാമം നയനാഭിരാമം ഗുണാഭിരാമം വചനാഭിരാമം।

വിശ്വപ്രണാമം കൃതഭക്തകാമം ശ്രീരാമചന്ദ്രം സതതം നമാമി॥5

വേദാന്തവേദ്യം സകലൈശ്ച മാന്യം ഹൃതാരിമാനം ക്രതുഷു പ്രധാനം।

ഗജേന്ദ്രപാലം വിഗതാഭിമാനം ശ്രീരാമചന്ദ്രം സതതം നമാമി॥6

ലീലാശരീരം രണരംഗധീരം വിശ്വൈകവീരം രഘുവംശധീരം।

ഗംഭീരനാദം ജിതസര്‍വ്വവാദം ശ്രീരാമചന്ദ്രം സതതം നമാമി॥7

അഘേഽതിഭീതം സുജനേ വിനീതം തമോവിഹീനം മനുവംശദീപം।

താരാപ്രഗീതം വ്യസനേ ച മിത്രം ശ്രീരാമചന്ദ്രം സതതം നമാമി॥8

രാമചന്ദ്രാഷ്ടകം പുണ്യം പ്രാതരുത്ഥായ യഃ പഠേത്।

കോടിജന്മകൃതം തസ്യ പാപം സദ്യോ വിനശ്യതി॥9

1. I offer my pranams with uninterrupted devotion to Lord Ramachandra

Who is the friend of Sugriva,

Who is the Supreme being,

Who is immaculately pure,

Who is having Mata Sita as his consort,

Whose body shines with the hue of a fresh black cloud,

Who is the receptacle of boundless compassion,

Who is having beautiful eyes resembling the petals of a lotus

2. I offer my pranams with uninterrupted devotion to Lord Ramachandra

Who is the quintessential substance of all that exists in this world,

Who is praised in Vedas,

Who is the embodiment of virtue or Dharma ,

Who has taken awy the weighty bulk of evil from the earth,

Who is not subjected to any debilitating emotions,

Who is the essence of our well being in the ocean of worldly existence.

3. I offer my pranams with uninterrupted devotion to Lord Ramachandra

Who is having the Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi present along with Him wherever He is,

Who is the ultimate refuge and resting place for the whole Universe,

Who is residing on this earth as a God,

Who smiles like the full moon of autumn,

Who annihilated Lanka,

Who is the beaconlight for the whole world,

4. I offer my pranams with uninterrupted devotion to Lord Ramachandra

Who is wearing a garland made of Mandaara flowers,

Whose words are as sweet and juices of sugarcane or fruits,

Who is very generous by nature, Who uprooted the Seven Sala trees,

Who appeared as god of death himself to demons,

Who is the protector of the world of celestials..

5. I offer my pranams with uninterrupted devotion to Lord Ramachandra

Who shines forth in his attractive dark form,

Whose form is a feast to the eyes that see Him,

Who is attracts everyone to Him through His sterling qualities,

Whose words are ever so attractive,

Who is the one before whom the whole worlds surrenders in prostraction, Who fulfills the desires of all His devotees,

6. I offer my pranams with uninterrupted devotion to Lord Ramachandra

Who is understood through study of Vedanta Philosophy,

Who is respected by all,

Who shatters the boastfulness and arrogance of His enemies,

Who is invoked as the primal deity in Yajnas,

Who is the protector of the elephant king Gajendra,

Who is bereft of pride and is ever so humble

7. I offer my pranams with uninterrupted devotion to Lord Ramachandra

Who is manifest in human body as if by sport,

Who is fearless in the battlefield,

Who the foremost among the valiant people in the whole world,

Who is the brave progeny of the clan of Raghus,

Whose voice is very commanding,

Who is capable of emerging as victor in all debates and discussions.

8. I offer my pranams with uninterrupted devotion to Lord Ramachandra

Who is very much afraid and careful about committing any sins,

Who is very humble and solicitous to good people,

Who is bereft of any darkness of mind and thought,

Who is the beaconlight of the clan of Manu,

Who is praised by songs by Thaara,

Who is a faithful friend for those in agony.

9. Whosoever recites of reads this octet on Ramachanra, keeping awake early in the morning, will have all his sins incurred over crores of lives removed instantly..

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