Thursday, August 13, 2015

The significance of sipping holy water and touching limbs during achamanam.

The significance of sipping holy water and touching limbs during achamanam..

त्रिः प्राश्नीयादपो यत्तु प्रीतास्तेनास्य देवताः।
ब्रह्मा विष्णुश्च रुद्रश्च भवन्तीत्यनुशुश्रुम॥
गङ्गा च यमुना चैव प्रीयेते परिमार्ज्जनात्।
संस्पृष्टयोर् लोचनयोः प्रीयेते शशिभास्करौ।
ना सत्यसंज्ञौ प्रीयेते स्पृष्टोनासापुटद्वयौ।
कर्ण्णयोर्स्पृष्टयोस्तद्वत् प्रीयते चानलानिलौ॥
अंसयोस्पर्शनादेव प्रियते तु प्रजापतिः।
संस्पृष्टे हृदये चास्य प्रीयन्ते सर्व्वदेवताः।
मूर्द्धनि स्पर्शनाद्देवः प्रीतस्तु पुरुषो भवेत्।
य एवं ब्राह्मणो नित्यं उपस्पर्शनमाचरेत्।
ब्रह्मादिस्तंबपर्यन्तं जगत्स परितर्पयेत्॥
अङ्गुष्ठोग्निरिति ख्यातः प्रोक्ता वायुः प्रदेशिनी।
अनामिका तथा सूर्यः कनिष्ठा मघवो स्मृता।
प्रजापतिर् मध्यमा तु ज्ञेयाः शुद्धिमभीप्सता॥
हारीत वचनात् व्यासवचनात् च॥
triḥ prāśnīyādapo yattu prītāstenāsya devatāḥ|
brahmā viṣṇuśca rudraśca bhavantītyanuśuśruma||
gaṅgā ca yamunā caiva prīyete parimārjjanāt|
saṁspṛṣṭayor locanayoḥ prīyete śaśibhāskarau|
nā satyasaṁjñau prīyete spṛṣṭonāsāpuṭadvayau|
karṇṇayorspṛṣṭayostadvat prīyate cānalānilau||
aṁsayosparśanādeva priyate tu prajāpatiḥ|
saṁspṛṣṭe hṛdaye cāsya prīyante sarvvadevatāḥ|
mūrddhani sparśanāddevaḥ prītastu puruṣo bhavet|
ya evaṁ brāhmaṇo nityaṁ upasparśanamācaret|
brahmādistaṁbaparyantaṁ jagatsa paritarpayet||
aṅguṣṭhogniriti khyātaḥ proktā vāyuḥ pradeśinī|
anāmikā tathā sūryaḥ kaniṣṭhā maghavo smṛtā|
prajāpatir madhyamā tu jñeyāḥ śuddhimabhīpsatā||
hārīta vacanāt vyāsavacanāt ca||

Translation of the above.
Bhagavan Vyasa and Sage Harita have stated that:-

When one formally drinks water kept in the right palm held in the shape of the ear of a cow, and repeats thrice, it is believed that the three principal deities Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva would be pleased and satisfied.

When the lips are wiped after the formal threefold sips of water in achamanam , 

the rivers Ganga and Yamuna become happy.

The twin deities Ashwins are pleased when the two nostrils are touched during achamanam

When ears are touched, the gods of fire and wind are happy

When the two shoulders are touched, Lord Brhma the Prajaapati would be pleased.

When the region of the heart is touched, all the gods in heaven become happy.

When we touch the upper part of the head, the Supreme Brahman is pleased.

If a Brahmin would, on every day,perform ablutions by touching his organs as per the rituals above he would be bringing pleasure and peace to the entire world from Brahmaloka onward to a trivial shrub growing on the earth..

Agni or fire is residing in our thumb..

The wind god occupies the Index finger..

The ring finger is presided over by the Sun god.

The little finger is the abode of Indra..

And Brahma the Prajapati is present in the middle finger..

This truth should be understood properly by a person who would like to be pure..or attain purity and cleaniiness..


Chanting of the holy names of the Protector of the world 
Sreeman Narayana 
when we sip and perform the ablutions 
would be effective in
driving away all the evil spirits 
would bless us with health and happiness.

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