Friday, November 06, 2015



Love.. I could discover Love in Krishna..
Love, the uneasiness which nags me constantly when I am away from my friends, even though on my own volition.. 
Love is the four letter word which sustains our lives.. 
Love prompted the poets to write..
Love was the prime theme of their poems.. 
Kalidasa, Keats, Shankara and Shakespeare all wrote about love..
And even Shankara the recluse.. 
The four letter word is beyond any definition.. 
Love can have a positive impact, steadying and sustaining the entire gamut of relationships..

The same love can lead to jealousy, strife, wars, massacres, blood-sheds.. Draupadi, Cleopatra.... think of many such names..

There can be no absolute definition for Love .. 
What is God..? if one can define, 
what is evil.. ? if one can define, 
then one can define love too..

Love is the feeling that a mother radiates towards her newborn infant.. which had actually given her all sorts of pain during confinement, and the most insufferable pain at the time of childbirth.. 
So love is forgiveness..

Love for God the Krishna is the culmination of Bhatkti.. 
or is bhakthi the culmination or consummation of the love between the Maker and His creation?.. 
Let us enjoy love, 
let us give love, 
let us live in love.. 
but all the written and unwritten words or thoughts in the universe cannot say what love is. 
If true love is just a myth... then all our lives too are only myths

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