Thursday, January 26, 2017

ashta aisvaryam

In the Sanatkumara samhita of Skaanda Puranam the thousand names of Laksmi are given as a discussion between Sanatkumara and Gaargya.. There the Ashta aishvaryam personified by Divine mother Lakshmi are given as below..

पुत्रपौत्राभिवृद्धिश्च विद्याभोगबलादिकम् ।
आयुरारोग्यसम्पत्तिरष्टैश्वर्यं त्वमेव हि ॥ १४८॥

putrapautraabhivriddhishcha vidyaabhogabalaadikam
aayuraarogyasampathirastaishvaryam tvameva hi..

Mother Lakshmi you are the eight aishvaryam 
the wealth of sons 
the wealth of grandsons
the wealth of education
the wealth of capacity to enjoy the riches
the wealth of physical strength 
the wealth of longevity
the wealth of good health 
the wealth of Sampath..or accumulation of good things or objects

putra abhivrudhi, pautra abhivriddhi, vidyaa, bhoga, balaa, aayuH aarogyam sampatthi..

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