Saturday, February 25, 2017

Meditation on that Infinite being called Rudra

Meditation on that Infinite being called Rudra

अथात्मानम् शिवात्मानम् रुद्ररूपम् ध्यायेत् 
शुद्धस्फटिकसङ्काशम् त्रिनेत्रम् पञ्चवक्त्रकम्।
गङ्गाधरम् दशभुजम् सर्वाभरण भूषितम्। 
नीलग्रीवम् शशाङ्काङ्कम् नागयज्ञोपवीतिनम्।
व्याघ्रचर्मोत्तरीयम् च वरेण्यमभयप्रदम्॥
कमण्डल्वक्षसूत्राणाम् धारिणम् शूलपाणिनम्।
ज्वलन्तम् पिङ्गलजटम् शिखामध्योद धारिणम्॥
वृषस्कन्धसमारूढम् उमादेहार्ध धारिणम्।
अमृतेनाप्ळुतम् शान्तम् दिव्यभोग समन्वितम्॥
दिग्देवता समायुक्तम् सुरासुर नमस्कृतम्।
नित्यम् च शाश्वतम् शुद्धम् ध्रुवमक्षरमव्ययम्।
सर्वव्यापिनमीशानम् रुद्रम् वै विश्वरूपिनम् 
एवम् ध्यात्वा द्विजस्सम्यक् ततो यजनमारभेत्॥
athātmānam śivātmānam rudrarūpam dhyāyet 
śuddhasphaṭikasaṅkāśam trinetram pañcavaktrakam|
gaṅgādharam daśabhujam sarvābharaṇa bhūṣitam| 
nīlagrīvam śaśāṅkāṅkam nāgayajñopavītinam|
vyāghracarmottarīyam ca vareṇyamabhayapradam||
kamaṇḍalvakṣasūtrāṇām dhāriṇam śūlapāṇinam|
jvalantam piṅgalajaṭam śikhāmadhyoda dhāriṇam||
vṛṣaskandhasamārūḍham umādehārdha dhāriṇam|
amṛtenāpḻutam śāntam divyabhoga samanvitam||
digdevatā samāyuktam surāsura namaskṛtam|
nityam ca śāśvatam śuddham dhruvamakṣaramavyayam|
sarvavyāpinamīśānam rudram vai viśvarūpinam 
evam dhyātvā dvijassamyak tato yajanamārabhet ||
athAtmAnam shivAtmAnam rudrarUpam dhyAyet 
shuddhasphaTikasa~NkAsham trinetram pa~ncavaktrakam.
ga~NgAdharam dashabhujam sarvAbharaNa bhUSitam. 
nIlagrIvam shashA~NkA~Nkam nAgayaj~nopavItinam.
vyAghracarmottarIyam ca vareNyamabhayapradam..
kamaNDalvakSasUtrANAm dhAriNam shUlapANinam.
jvalantam pi~NgalajaTam shikhAmadhyoda dhAriNam..
vRRiSaskandhasamArUDham umAdehArdha dhAriNam.
amRRitenaapLutam shAntam divyabhoga samanvitam..
digdevatA samAyuktam surAsura namaskRRitam.
nityam ca shAshvatam shuddham dhruvamakSaramavyayam.
sarvavyApinamIshAnam rudram vai vishvarUpinam 
evam dhyAtvA dvijassamyak tato yajanamArabhet ..

On this day of Shiva.. rather Night of Shiva.. the Shivaratri, abhishekam with water and all fragrant, nutritious and sacred materials is offered to the Lord during all the four Yaamaas..
. starting at 6PM then 9 PM, 12 Midnight and finally 3 AM next day..

Oil, Milk Curd Panchgavyam, Panchamritam, Lemon Juice, Sugarcane Juice, Sandal and Scented Water, Ghee, etc are offered to Him as Abhishekam

The continuous abhishekam is done chanting Sri Rudram of Shatarudreeyam... the holiest of the mantras on the lord of lords Rudra that Vedas can offer.. 
In fact the mantram starts with a pranam to Rudra.. 
Om Namo bhagavate Rudraya.. 
ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय 
the veda itself offers pranams to that Supreme Lord Rudra..

The chanting of that holy mantra and offering respects to the Lord through that mantra is to be preceded by observation of intense discipline by the chanter.. 
Bodhyana explains how one should become one with Shiva Himself and meditate on his form as a prelude to the start of the yajna that is chanting and abhishekam to the Lord with SriRudram

One should just fix in himself the faith that the sacred form of Lord Rudra has merged with himself and then start chanting..

The form and various attributes of the lord

He is shining with the blemishless lustre of clear crystal
He is having three eyes. Sun Moon and Fire
He is having five faces... Sadhyojatha, Tatpurusha,Vamadeva, Aghora and Eaashan 
He carried River Devi Ganga in his matted locks 
He is having ten arms
He has decorated himself with ornaments of splendour

His neck is of dark blue colour 
He is having the moon as an ornament 
He is wearing a snake at yajnopaveetam or thread across the torso
He is having the skin of a tiger as the upper garment across his body
He is the most respectable God among all gods..
He is ever pleased to grant refuge to all devotees..

He is holding a water pot Kamandalu in one hand
He is holding Akshamaala or rosary in another hand
He is holding a trident Shoolam
He is shining with a fountain of water sprounting from the middle of his matted hair

He has mounted the back of a huge bull Vrishabha 
He is having half of His own body occupied by mother Uma 
He is floating Himself in Ambrosia.. the Amrutham
He is very peaceful and calm
He is in a state of mind where his is just enjoying all the pleasures of the world

He is surrounded by the lords of all the Cardinal directions.. Indra, Agni, Yama, Niruriti, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera and Brahma 
All the divine beings are offering pranmas to Him
He is the eternal being
He is present in the past present and the future too for ever
He is pure in absolute terms
He is very fixed in his stature and will 
He is without any destruction or dimunition 
His glory can never be depleted

He is spreading himself all over the universe and everywhere
He is having all the powers of will and control over everything manifest and unmanifest 
He is the Rudra.. the one who Cries and one who shouts.. cries in agony and ecstacy
He is the Vishvaroopi.. His shape is that of everything in this universe and everything in this universe just manifests in His form.

The learned man should meditate upon Rudra the Shankara in the above aspects and start the yajnam of offering ablutions to the Lord with Shri Rudram..

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