Tuesday, July 11, 2017

know the right limits...

प्रस्थावसदृशं वाक्यं प्रभावसदृशम् प्रियम्।
आत्मशक्तिसमं कोपं यो जानाति स पण्डितः॥ 
prasthāvasadṛśaṁ vākyaṁ prabhāvasadṛśam priyam| 
ātmaśaktisamaṁ kopaṁ yo jānāti sa paṇḍitaḥ|| 
A very wise statement by Chanakya 

A real learned and resourceful person is the one 
whose declarations are in total agreement with his purports and words 
whose tastes and likes are commensurate with his personal strength 
whose anger is exactly limited to his capacity to cope up with situation 

We find too many who just blabber without any sense or substance 
We find people with a lot of desires and dreams without any clue as to how such tastes can be satisfied 
we find people exploding with anger but with hardly any capacity to impress anyone .. 
Sure, they can never succeed nor make any impact .

(The above post was made   two years ago. Later on in 2019,  I stumbled upon this very same slokam  in Hitopadesham, and Nityaneeti   with two slightly varying   use of words, but conveying the same ideas
Giving below my comments on them  published later  )

प्रस्तावसदृशं वाक्यं सद्भावसदृशं प्रियम्।
आत्मशक्तिसमं कोपं कुर्वाणो नावसीदति॥
नित्यनीति २३४।
प्रस्तावसदृशं वाक्यं सद्भावसदृशं प्रियम्।
आत्मशक्तिसमं कोपं यो जानाति स पण्डितः॥
हितोपदेशे॥ मित्रभेदे ४८
prastāvasadṛśaṁ vākyaṁ sadbhāvasadṛśaṁ priyam|
ātmaśaktisamaṁ kopaṁ kurvāṇo nāvasīdati||
nityanīti 234|
prastāvasadṛśaṁ vākyaṁ sadbhāvasadṛśaṁ priyam|
ātmaśaktisamaṁ kopaṁ yo jānāti sa paṇḍitaḥ||
hitopadeśe|| mitrabhede 48

The above subhashitam is found in two versions.. one in Hitopadesha, and one in the compendiums like nityaneeti, chanakya neeti etc..
The idea conveyed is the same
A person who
makes statements and public declarations using appropriate words which are matching his intentions
who shows affection towards others matching in all respects the goodwill shown by them in return
who would show anger only after evaluating his own strength and the comparative strengths of others..

would never come to grief ( According to the first Sloka)

A person who
knows how to make statements and public declarations using appropriate words which are matching his intentions
who knows to show affection towards others matching in all respects the goodwill shown by them in return
who knows that he should show anger only after evaluating his own strength and the comparative strengths of others..

is a man of great erudition and capacity..
(This is the meaning of the second sloka)

Yes, we should talk sense.. feeling the pulse of the audience.. or we can get lynched or even jailed.
If we show misplaced love and sympathy, that would boomerang on us.. and we will be gifted with a lot of grief and grief alone
And if we show anger against the wrong persons, our life and health, both can be at peril.. at present and in future too..

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