Friday, July 28, 2017

one has to face the inevitable....

one has to face the inevitable....


नात्मनः कामकारोऽस्ति पुरुषोऽयमनीश्वरः।
इतश्चेतरतश्चैनं कृतान्तः परिकर्षति॥ १५
सर्वे क्षयान्ता निचयाः पतनान्ताः समुच्छ्रयाः।
संयोगा विप्रयोगान्ता मरणान्तं च जीवितम्॥१६
यथा फलानां पक्वानां नान्यत्र पतनाद्भयम्।
एवं नरस्य जातस्य नान्यत्र मरणाद्भयम्॥१७
यथागारम् दृडस्थूणं जीर्णम् भूत्वाऽवसीदति।
तथैव सीदन्ति नरा जरामृत्युवशंगताः॥१८
अत्येति रजनी या तु सा न प्रतिनिवर्तते।
यात्येव यमुना पूर्णा समुर्द्रमुदकाकुलम्॥१९
अहोरात्राणि गच्छन्ति सर्वेषां प्राणिनामिह।
आयूंषि क्षपयन्त्याशु ग्रीष्मे जलमिवांशवः॥२०
आत्मानमनुशोच त्वं किमन्यमनुशोचसि।
आयुस्ते हीयते यस्य स्थितस्य च गतस्य च॥२१ 
सहैव मृत्युर्व्रजति सह मृत्युर्निषीदति।
गत्वा सुदीर्घमध्वानं सह मृत्युर्निवर्तते॥२२
श्रीमद्वाल्मीकीये रामायणे अयोध्याकाण्डे सर्गः १०५
nātmanaḥ kāmakāro'sti puruṣo'yamanīśvaraḥ|
itaścetarataścainaṁ kṛtāntaḥ parikarṣati|| 15
sarve kṣayāntā nicayāḥ patanāntāḥ samucchrayāḥ|
saṁyogā viprayogāntā maraṇāntaṁ ca jīvitam||16
yathā phalānāṁ pakvānāṁ nānyatra patanādbhayam|
evaṁ narasya jātasya nānyatra maraṇādbhayam||17
yathāgāram dṛḍasthūṇaṁ jīrṇam bhūtvā'vasīdati|
tathaiva sīdanti narā jarāmṛtyuvaśaṁgatāḥ||18
atyeti rajanī yā tu sā na pratinivartate|
yātyeva yamunā pūrṇā samurdramudakākulam||19
ahorātrāṇi gacchanti sarveṣāṁ prāṇināmiha|
āyūṁṣi kṣapayantyāśu grīṣme jalamivāṁśavaḥ||20
ātmānamanuśoca tvaṁ kimanyamanuśocasi|
āyuste hīyate yasya sthitasya ca gatasya ca||21 
sahaiva mṛtyurvrajati saha mṛtyurniṣidati|
gatvā sudīrghamadhvānaṁ saha mṛtyurniṣīdati||22
śrīmadvālmīkīye rāmāyaṇe ayodhyākāṇḍe sargaḥ 105

Rama is living in Chitrakoota with Lakshmana and Sita.. happily spending his sojourn in forest.. as directed by his father Dasaratha.

Bharata, the younger brother of Rama, accompanied by the citizens and the army of Ayodhya is on a mission to the forest in a bid to persuade Rama to return to Ayodhya and take over as the King..

In spite of all requests, Rama simply declines to go back to Ayodhya.. He directs Bharatha to take charge of Ayodhya 
Bharatha says that without Rama, he will be an orphan and could not manage the onerous job..
Then Rama tells Bharatha that no one was indispensable.. Time would overtake all lives, and still life will go on..

Rama tells that Death of Dasharatha, and his own sojourn in Forest,, were all the handiworks of fate..

The slokas from Valmikiramayanam Ayodhyakandam, quoted above come as expostulation of philosophy that things are not in the control of human being but they have to obey the dictates of fate and live on according to the situations meted out by fate..

" The individual human being does not have much control over things happenings in his life, he is not the master of himself or his fate, and fate is just pushing him here and there.

Every enhancement in fortune would surely be followed by depletion and reduction, every rise would be followed by a fall, and every happy union will be followed by a sad seperation and life would finally end with death..

Every fruit which has become atop a tall tree has to face the risk of falling down to earth and likewise every being who is born has to face death as the final nemesis.

Just as a very strong monument raised on very tall and firm pillars would face destruction as the structure gets weathered down by years, the human body too gets wekened and emaciated by the onslaught of old age, and finally crumbles and succumbs to death.

The night-time advances and goes on till the next morning and that night will never come again..
The river Yamuna flows one with her banks swelling with water, but the waters ultimately merge with the ocean never to come back again..

The days and nights pass on depleting the lifetime of all living beings just as the rays of the hot sun drinks away the waters on the surface of the earth in the summer season..

So you must think of yourself and your final emancipation or moksha from the earthly woes and you should not waste your time fretting about the fate of others..

Death keeps us close company, as we move around, 
the death keeps us company as if it is also lying with us when we lie down,
and even when we embark on a very long journey and return from there, we can find death keeping us company during that journey too..

We have to remember that Ramayanam of Valmiki is not just a chronicle describing the story of Rama and Ayodhya, Ravana and Lanka,.. but a veritable text on Dharma..

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