Wednesday, November 01, 2017

life is there just to be lived...

Most of our time is spent on planning  to live, earning to live, reading to live and dishing out advices on how to live.. 

Often we spend our time is destroying our own means and methods of good life..
But most often we tend to overlook what exactly we want from our lives.. 
and therefore we do not spend our time in what really we want..

In short, we plan a lot but live very little..

At least for five minutes every hour we are awake, is it better to review our own flow of existence.. to see whether we have lived our life the way we want at least for a little while?

The fact is, we rewind, we ruminate when we are no longer able to do anything at all.. when we are at the close of our innings in this world..
Too late in the day..

They say a good technician spends a lot of time in sharpening and fine tuning his gadgets.. so that he can use them effectively at the right time..

But if the technician is just sharpening his gadgets for ever but never uses it.. what is the use of his being called a technician at all?

We collect books, build libraries, fill our memories with data, but never recall them for any use.. Why?

Life is like that..
But then we have to live at least a little, is it not?

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