Sunday, December 30, 2018

it is a basic duty

संध्याहीनोऽशुचिर्नित्यमनर्हः सर्वकर्मसु।
यदन्यत् कुरुते कर्म न तस्यफलभाग्भवेत्॥
saṁdhyāhīno'śucirnityamanarhaḥ sarvakarmasu|
yadanyat kurute karma na tasyaphalabhāgbhavet||

One of the major Dharmasastra Texts.. Dakshasmriti categorically states

One who is now worshipping Sandhya daily at the proper time become impure and he is not eligible to do any other Karma
And even if he is performing any Karma without performing the Sandhyavandanam, he will never derive any phalam or benefit from such Karma.

The texts on antyeshti are all unanimous in stating that even if a close relative is dead, and if it is Sandhya, the worship of Sandhya in accordance with the shortened procedure when there is aashaucham should be performed and then only the cremation rites attended to

Even during the ten days of aashaucham period the Karthas for the last rites should performe Sandhya Vandanam.. It is even mentioned by some Dharmasastra authors that the pollution or aasaucham temporarily withdraws itself during sandhya to enable the persons affected to do Sandhya Vandhanam.

And it is a fashion among people who are doing Namasankeertanam or Pooja at Sandhya time that they would be doing all that without caring for Sandhyavandhanam.. Such action would render the pooja or other functions useless.
Doing other ostentatious poojas and celebrations and neglecting Sandhyavandanam on this count is like kicking aged father and mother at home in private and making show of social service at a destitute home.

And doing Sandhya is just a duty.. A routine act that alone can retain the brahminhood..
It is vain and arrogant to claim that we are brahmins if we do not perform Sandhyavandanam and Gayatri Japam as part of it..

No motivational post is necessary for this..
No one motivates you to breathe, drink water or eat.. If you do not do that you will die as a man
If you do not do Sandhyavandanam, the brahmin in you dies in a few days..

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