Friday, December 21, 2018

Krishna.. your lotus feet are all that I want

नास्था धर्मे न वसुनिचये नैव कामोपभोगे
यद्भाव्यं तद्भवतु भगवन् पूर्वकर्मानुरूपम्।
एतद् प्रार्थ्यं मम बहु मतं जन्मजन्मान्तरेऽपि
त्वत्पादांभोरुहयुगगता निश्चला भक्तिरस्तु॥७
कुलशेखरप्रणीते मुकुन्दमालायाम्॥
nāsthā dharme na vasunicaye naiva kāmopabhoge
yadbhāvyaṁ tadbhavatu bhagavan pūrvakarmānurūpam|
etad prārthyaṁ mama bahu mataṁ janmajanmāntare'pi
tvatpādāṁbhoruhayugagatā niścalā bhaktirastu||7
kulaśekharapraṇīte mukundamālāyām||

A poignant prayer by Kulasekhara Azhvar.. in his great work Mukunda Maalaa..

Though Kulasekhara was the Chera king of Kerala, his heart was always stuck on the Ranganatha..
Nothing else mattered to him.

The meaning of this sloka
Oh Mukunda, Krishna, I have no great inclination in following the strict paths of administration and dharma..
I have no desire to accumulate wealth..
I am least interested in enjoying the rich materialistic pleasure available in plenty all around me.
I am not even bothered about sufferings that would arise as a result of my karmas ..
Oh the all powerful lord, may everything happen to me according to the Karmas I have accumulated over many lives.
I have only one entreaty, one humble request to make before you.
This is the prayer I make after thinking over many many times..
May I be blessed , with unwavering devotion unto those attractive pair of feet of yours which shine like twin lotuses ..May that pointed devotion be with me in all the lives I am to take as a result of my Karmas..

Here the love and devotion for Krishna has become the sole object and aim for this great devotee.. Normally a devotee would ask for mitigation of his hardships.. and for achieving worldly or even spiritual wealth and enjoyment..
Here Kulasekhara Alwar wants nothing else other than the lotus feet of Krishna

Naryayana.. Narayana Narayana

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