Saturday, December 22, 2018

Musings 37

Being attached to anything excessively..or beyond reasonable limits can lead to disasters.

But having no connections and no attachments is already a suffering.
They say.. if a newborn baby remains not cuddled and caressed for long even it is fed it would die soon.
Food and money will give sustenance to life. 
Study and acquisition of knowledge would sharpen the mind and intellect. 
But only the love we have for others and live others have for us would keep us as wholesome human beings.

The development of body or mind or for that matter anything is just to attract love and approval from others. 
If that is not happening we are just vegetables or are akin to broiler chicken.

Attachment is the sign of love and the outcome of love too.

Agreed, too much of anything study.. exercise..can be dangerous. Overdose of attachment too can kill

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