Sunday, December 30, 2018

musings 41

when you are with a friend from your boyhood days, you tend to forget your age.. Living in an agraharam where I have been living all through my life with some interruptions by way of stay in distant places at different time-slots due to exigencies of job and having finally settled in my own place, many experiences prove this.

The other day I was sitting in front of my house, and a friend of mine for almost sixty years was just cutting some dried branches of a tree, exerting himself..

After some time, he was getting exhausted, but was trying to carry as if he is still very energetic.

Of course he is still slim and trim, and actually looks rather young for his age..

And I have become fluffy and paunchy..

I was just shouting at him.." Dey, do not exert yourself too much. We are not as young as we were"

My remark was spontaneous..
I was remembering the times when as small boys we were climbing trees,and running on the same street and doing many things that only boys could do..

And when we meet, and we do that almost every day, we could not see any difference in us from what we were six decades ago..

My wife and son, or his wife and children .. all of us are very close .. so close like a family, cannot understand this..

I do not know whether we can analyze such things for logic..

But a friend of boyhood days is a treasure without any substitute, especially when one is old..

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