Sunday, December 30, 2018

noble is always noble

सेवितव्यो महावृक्षः फलच्छायासमन्वितः।
यदि दैवात् फलं नास्ति छाया केन निवार्यते॥
नारायण्पण्डितस्य हितोपदेशे ३-१०
sevitavyo mahāvṛkṣaḥ phalacchāyāsamanvitaḥ|
yadi daivāt phalaṁ nāsti chāyā kena nivāryate||
nārāyaṇpaṇḍitasya hitopadeśe 3-10

A very apt advice from Narayanapandita in his Hitopadesham
A person should choose to take shelter under a big tree which would bear fruits too..
Even if by some quirk of fate the tree does not yield fruits, still the tree gives us shadow
No one can take away the shadow as long as the tree is there..
Usually we serve people who can provide us stability and continuity of existence and we could grow and prosper under their tutelage..
Often the great personages, when their personal fortunes are not that rosy may not be able to provide a lot of progress for those who depend on them.. But the great people would always ensure that those people do not suffer from lack of personal safety and security.
We see that in Mahabharatham, even when the Pandavas were in exile, they did not fail to offer hospitality and protection to the sages and people around the area they lived..
And Rama in exile protected the sages and the monkeys who were his friends ..
Fate confronted them with temporary challenges.. and brought down their productivity.. but their basic capacity to be of use to all around did not diminish

Likewise, when due to vagaries of season a tree may not yield fruits.. But the shadow is always there.
So those who approach the tree would have the protection of the shadow.. which is a sureshot benefit.. Getting fruits.. if that happens is a blessing, a windall..
But the dependent has a minimum guarantee of safety when he served a great personage..

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