Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Before chanting any mantram it is the practice that we make prayers and invoke protection of the divine beings on all our limbs and all around us..

This is especially true when we chant the great mantram of Rudram.. Sri Rudram.. the Satarudriyam.. 
The limbs and positions of the bodies where we invoke the presence of various Deities is prescribed by the Vedas--, in this case by Bodhayana -- as follows.
The process of invoking the deities is called Nyasam.. This process here is called LAGHUNYASAM..

प्रजनने ब्रह्मा तिष्ठतु। पादयोः विष्णुस्तिष्ठतु। हस्तयोः हरस्तिष्ठतु। बाह्वोरिन्द्रस्तिष्टतु। जठरे अग्निस्तिष्ठतु। हृदये शिवस्तिष्ठतु। कण्ठे वसवस्तिष्ठन्तु। वक्त्रे सरस्वती तिष्ठतु। नासिकयोः वायुस्तिष्ठतु। नयनयोः चन्द्रादित्यौ तिष्ठेताम्। कर्णयोः अश्विनौ तिष्ठेताम्। ललाटे रुद्रास्तिष्ठन्तु। मूर्ध्नि आदित्यास्तिष्ठन्तु। शिरसि महादेवस्तिष्ठतु। शिखायां वामदेवस्तिष्ठतु। पृष्ठे पिनाकि तिष्ठतु। पुरतः शूली तिष्ठतु। पार्श्वयोः शिवाशङ्करौ तिष्ठेताम्। सर्वतो वायुस्तिष्ठतु। ततो बहिः सर्वतः अग्निर्ज्वालामालापरिवृतस्तिष्ठतु। सर्वेष्वङ्गेषु सर्वा देवता यथास्थानं तिष्ठन्तु॥ मां रक्षन्तु॥
prajanane brahmā tiṣṭhatu| pādayoḥ viṣṇustiṣṭhatu| hastayoḥ harastiṣṭhatu| bāhvorindrastiṣṭatu| jaṭhare agnistiṣṭhatu| hṛdaye śivastiṣṭhatu| kaṇṭhe vasavastiṣṭhantu| vaktre sarasvatī tiṣṭhatu| nāsikayoḥ vāyustiṣṭhatu| nayanayoḥ candrādityau tiṣṭhetām| karṇayoḥ aśvinau tiṣṭhetām| lalāṭe rudrāstiṣṭhantu| mūrdhni ādityāstiṣṭhantu| śirasi mahādevastiṣṭhatu| śikhāyāṁ vāmadevastiṣṭhatu| pṛṣṭhe pināki tiṣṭhatu| purataḥ śūlī tiṣṭhatu| pārśvayoḥ śivāśaṅkarau tiṣṭhetām| sarvato vāyustiṣṭhatu| tato bahiḥ sarvataḥ agnirjvālāmālāparivṛtastiṣṭhatu| sarveṣvaṅgeṣu sarvā devatā yathāsthānaṁ tiṣṭhantu|| māṁ rakṣantu||

प्रजनने ब्रह्मा तिष्ठतु। पादयोः विष्णुस्तिष्ठतु। May the Lord of Creation Brahma be present in my genital orgains 
हस्तयोः हरस्तिष्ठतु। May Lord Hara.. Shiva manifest himself in the pair of my hands.
बाह्वोरिन्द्रस्तिष्टतु। May Lord Indira Manifest himself in be present in my arms.
जठरे अग्निस्तिष्ठतु। May the lord of fire be present in my stomach
हृदये शिवस्तिष्ठतु। May lord Shiva be present in my hear.
कण्ठे वसवस्तिष्ठन्तु। May the eight Vasus be present in my throat 
वक्त्रे सरस्वती तिष्ठतु। May Sarasvathi be present in my mouth and tongu 
नासिकयोः वायुस्तिष्ठतु। May the lord of Air be present in my nosrils.
नयनयोः चन्द्रादित्यौ तिष्ठेताम्। may the Sun and the Moon be present in each of my two eyes.
कर्णयोः अश्विनौ तिष्ठेताम्। May the Ahvins be present in my two ears
ललाटे रुद्रास्तिष्ठन्तु। May the eleven Rudras manifest themselves on my forehead.
मूर्ध्नि आदित्यास्तिष्ठन्तु। May the twelve Adityas be present at the topmost portion of of my head. 
शिरसि महादेवस्तिष्ठतु। may lord Mahadeva be present on my head
शिखायां वामदेवस्तिष्ठतु। May Lord Vamadeva manifest himself in the portion of of my head where my hair is tied into a tuft
पृष्ठे पिनाकि तिष्ठतु। May Pinaaki the Shiva be present in the lower back portion of my body.
पुरतः शूली तिष्ठतु। May Shuli the Shiva, the wielder of the Trident be present in front of me 
पार्श्वयोः शिवाशङ्करौ तिष्ठेताम्। May the Lordess Shivaa and Lord Shankara be present on my two sides.
सर्वतो वायुस्तिष्ठतु। May the air be be flowing free everywhere.
ततो बहिः सर्वतः अग्निर्ज्वालामालापरिवृतस्तिष्ठतु। And everywhere outside, the fire, wearing the garland of brilliant flames may be present सर्वेष्वङ्गेषु सर्वा देवता यथास्थानं तिष्तन्तु॥ May all the gods (thirty three crores in number.. be present at the appropriate limbs or my body..

May I be in their constant protection while I am performing the chant and the prayer..

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