Friday, December 21, 2018

Pranams to you mother Ganga..

Pranams to you mother Ganga..

विष्णोः सङ्गतिकारिणी हरजटाजूटाटवी चारिणी
प्रायश्चित्तनिवारिणी जलकणैः पुण्यौधविस्तारिणी।
भूबृत्कन्दरदारिणि निजजले मज्जज्जनोत्तरिणी
श्रेयः स्वर्गविहारिणि विजयते गङ्गा मनोहारिणी॥
viṣṇoḥ saṅgatikāriṇī harajaṭājūṭāṭavī cāriṇī
prāyaścittanivāriṇī jalakaṇaiḥ puṇyaudhavistāriṇī|
bhūbṛtkandaradāriṇi nijajale majjajjanottariṇī
śreyaḥ svargavihāriṇi vijayate gaṅgā manohāriṇī||

This is from Ganga Ashtakam attributed to Mahakavi Kalidasa

May you be ever victorious, you the Damsel captivating all minds, 
Ganga.. you, originate from the feet of Vishnu and therefore when we touch you, we touch His lotus feet
Ganga.. you are flowing towards the thick matted locks of Shankara the Hara
Ganga, you wash off all our sins and therefore put a stop for all other expiation or prayaschittams|
Ganga, you multiply the Punya of all those who come in contact with you, by sprinkling them with your cool, sacred, soothing droplet of water 
Ganga, you wear on your ample bosom affectionately the crowned heads of emperors and monarchs who come crowding to your presence to take dip in your holy waters
Ganga, you wash away the sins of all people who take dip in your waters and elevate them to states of eternal happiness 
Ganga, your repute is spreading all over the heaven

Victory for you, Mother Ganga..

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