Sunday, December 30, 2018


आशानुरूपफलदं चरणारविन्द-
भाजामपारकरुणार्णवपूर्णचन्द्रम् ।
नाशाय सर्वविपदामपि नौमि नित्य-
मीशानकेशवभवं भुवनैकनाथम् ॥ १
āśānurūpaphaladaṃ caraṇāravinda-
bhājāmapārakaruṇārṇavapūrṇacandram ।
nāśāya sarvavipadāmapi naumi nitya-
mīśānakeśavabhavaṃ bhuvanaikanātham ॥ 1

I am offering my pranams to that son of Shiva the Eashaana and Vishnu the Keshava
Who is capable of giving positive  results to devotees according to their fond desires
Who is the full moon in the ocean of mercy for those who ever depend on his lotus feet
and this worship is being offered for the destruction of all the dangers that could befall me

पिञ्छावली वलयिताकलितप्रसून-
सञ्जातकान्तिभरभासुरकेशभारम् ।
चन्द्रावतंसहरिनन्दनमाश्रयामि ॥ २
piñchāvalī valayitākalitaprasūna-
sañjātakāntibharabhāsurakeśabhāram ।
candrāvataṃsaharinandanamāśrayāmi ॥ 2

I serve with fond and sincere hope the darling son of Shiva who is having the crescent moon as his ornament and Vishnu the Hari,
Whose thick collection of hair is tied with hoards of peacock feathers,, and the locks are shining with the glow  of flowers which are arranged in a round fashion around that peacock feather decoration.. as if forming a hallow around the head,

Whose body is adorned with gems and ornaments which tingle attractively and add beauty and ecstasy to the divine body

माकम्रनासमरुणाधरमायताक्षम् ।
आलम्बनं त्रिजगतां प्रमथाधिनाथ-
मानम्रलोकहरिनन्दनमाश्रयामि ॥ ३
mākamranāsamaruṇādharamāyatākṣam ।
ālambanaṃ trijagatāṃ pramathādhinātha-
mānamralokaharinandanamāśrayāmi ॥ 3
I serve with utter devotion Sasta, the Ayyappa the son of Hari the Vishnu
Who is looking beautiful with dark blue and soft curly hairs fluttering in the lazy breeze, looking like a garland around his nicely put up hair locks
Who is having a very attractive and delicately curved nose
Who having dark red lips resembling the sun and the Aruna rising in the morning
who is the ultimate rallying point for all the three worlds
Who is the leader and subduer of all the valiant devas and demi gods
And before whom the entire world bows in utter reverence and supplication.
गण्डस्थलं समुदिताननपुण्डरीकम् ।
अर्णोजनाभहरयोरिव मूर्तिमन्तं
पुण्यातिरेकमिव भूतपतिं नमामि ॥ ४
gaṇḍasthalaṃ samuditānanapuṇḍarīkam ।
arṇojanābhaharayoriva mūrtimantaṃ
puṇyātirekamiva bhūtapatiṃ namāmi ॥ 4
I offer my humble pranams to that Divine being who is as attractive as Lord Narayana who has a lotus growing from his navel
Who is the ultimate result of all the Punyas earned by the devotees
Who is the leader of Bhootas or the retinue of demi gods
Who is shining forth with beautiful eardrops adorning his ears
Who is having a beautiful neck from which raises a beautiful face resembling a full blown lily

कोदण्डबाणमहितान्तमतान्तवीर्यम् ।
नित्यं प्रभापतिमहं प्रणतो भवामि ॥ ५

kodaṇḍabāṇamahitāntamatāntavīryam ।
nityaṃ prabhāpatimahaṃ praṇato bhavāmi ॥ 5
I am ever remaining in daily supplication to that Lord and consort of Praba, the Sastha,
who is ever engaged in the subjugation of the strength of evil and wayward people by effectively applying the strength of bow and arrow held firmly in the tip of the arms through firmly held hands which resemble powerful dandas..or rods..
and who is shining profusely in the intense glow of the halo arising around his mane.
दोरन्तराळतरळामलहारजालम् ।
नीलातिनिर्मलदुकूलधरं मुकुन्द-
कालान्तकप्रतिनिधिं प्रणतोऽस्मि नित्यम् ॥ ६
dorantarāḻataraḻāmalahārajālam ।
nīlātinirmaladukūladharaṃ mukunda-
kālāntakapratinidhiṃ praṇato'smi nityam ॥ 6
Pranams every day to the manifestation of the two deities Mukunda the Vishnu and the slayer of Kala, Kaalaantaka the Shiva Lord Shasta the Ayyappa
Who wears on his bosom the large array garlands of flowers which are fluttering in the wind carrying fragrant flower dust from the Malaya Mountains
Who is attired in a dark blue, spotlessly soft and clean pair of silk clothes.

यत्पादपङ्कजयुगं मुनयोऽप्यजस्रं
भक्त्या भजन्ति भवरोगनिवारणाय ।
पुत्रं पुरान्तकमुरान्तकयोरुदारं
नित्यं नमाम्यहममित्रकुलान्तकं तम् ॥ ७
yatpādapaṅkajayugaṃ munayo'pyajasraṃ
bhaktyā bhajanti bhavaroganivāraṇāya ।
putraṃ purāntakamurāntakayorudāraṃ
nityaṃ namāmyahamamitrakulāntakaṃ tam ॥ 7
I offer my pranams every day to the Dharmasasta who is the very bountiful an generous son of the two supreme gods Puranthaka.. the destroyer of the three cities.. Lord Shankara and Muranthaka, the slayer of the demon Mura..Lord Vishnu
That Sastha who destroys all enemies and evil people
That Ayyappa whose pair of lotus feet are served continuously even by sages and saints with utter devotion for removal of the unhappiness and mental illness caused by the difficult situations in the life of this world

कान्तं कळायकुसुमद्युतिलोभनीय-
कान्तिप्रवाहविलसत्कमनीयरूपम् ।
कान्तातनूजसहितं निखिलामयौघ-
शान्तिप्रदं प्रमथयूथपतिं नमामि ॥ ८
kāntaṃ kaḻāyakusumadyutilobhanīya-
kāntipravāhavilasatkamanīyarūpam ।
kāntātanūjasahitaṃ nikhilāmayaugha-
śāntipradaṃ pramathayūthapatiṃ namāmi ॥ 8
I offer my pranams to Sastha the Ayyappa
Who is the provider of peace and harmony to the universe

Who is the prime leader of the battalion of forces of the gods
Who is resplendent with divine glow within himself
Who is shining in the dark glow of garlands the black lily flowers worn all over his body and his attractive colour of his body matching the colour of the same flowers
Who is present along with his wife Devi Prabha and his son Lord Satyaka
And who is the remover of all illnesses and maladies of the body and mind.
भूतेश भूरिकरुणामृतपूरपूर्ण-
वारान्निधे, वरद, भक्तजनैकबन्धो
पायाद्भवान् प्रणतमेनमपारघोर-
संसारभीतमिह मामखिलामयेभ्यः ॥ ९
bhūteśa bhūrikaruṇāmṛtapūrapūrṇa-
vārānnidhe, varada, bhaktajanaikabandho
pāyādbhavān praṇatamenamapāraghora-
saṃsārabhītamiha māmakhilāmayebhyaḥ ॥ 9
Oh Bhutesha, the lord of all the warriors of Lord Shiva,
Swamy Ayyappa the Shasta
You the ocean filled with waters in the shape of excessive mercy for your devotees
You the bestower of all boons to your dependents
You the sole kinsman and relative for those who are every devoted to you
May your benevolent Self be pleased to protest this me,
who is terrified of the woeful world and its nature which he is not able to overcome by himself
May you be pleased to protect and relieve me from all sorts of illness
हे भूतनाथ भगवन्, भवदीयचारु-
पादाम्बुजे भवतु भक्तिरचञ्चला मे ।
नाथाय सर्वजगतां भजतां भवाब्धि-
पोताय नित्यमखिलाङ्गभुवे नमस्ते ॥ १०
he bhūtanātha bhagavan, bhavadīyacāru-
pādāmbuje bhavatu bhaktiracañcalā me ।
nāthāya sarvajagatāṃ bhajatāṃ bhavābdhi-
potāya nityamakhilāṅgabhuve namaste ॥ 10

Oh Bhuthanatha.. Lord of the Bhtagana.. Shastaa, Oh bhagavan.. May you be pleased to bless me with utter and unswerving devotion on the pair of your Lotus feet which are attractive beyond description.
My pranams to my Master who is the Master of the whole universe, who is the safe and secure raft that would enable all the devotees to sail across the ocean of worldly life…
Pranams every to the one who is the son of the lord of the universe

श्री शास्तास्तुति दशकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
The Sastastuthi dashakam in complete

ആശാനുരൂപഫലദം ചരണാരവിന്ദ-
ഭാജാമപാരകരുണാര്ണവപൂര്ണചന്ദ്രം ।
നാശായ സര്വവിപദാമപി നൌമി നിത്യ-
മീശാനകേശവഭവം ഭുവനൈകനാഥം ॥ ൧
പിഞ്ഛാവലീ വലയിതാകലിതപ്രസൂന-
സഞ്ജാതകാന്തിഭരഭാസുരകേശഭാരം ।
ചന്ദ്രാവതംസഹരിനന്ദനമാശ്രയാമി ॥ ൨
മാകമ്രനാസമരുണാധരമായതാക്ഷം ।
ആലമ്ബനം ത്രിജഗതാം പ്രമഥാധിനാഥ-
മാനമ്രലോകഹരിനന്ദനമാശ്രയാമി ॥ ൩
ഗണ്ഡസ്ഥലം സമുദിതാനനപുണ്ഡരീകം ।
അര്ണോജനാഭഹരയോരിവ മൂര്തിമന്തം
പുണ്യാതിരേകമിവ ഭൂതപതിം നമാമി ॥ ൪
കോദണ്ഡബാണമഹിതാന്തമതാന്തവീര്യം ।
നിത്യം പ്രഭാപതിമഹം പ്രണതോ ഭവാമി ॥ ൫
ദോരന്തരാളതരളാമലഹാരജാലം ।
നീലാതിനിര്മലദുകൂലധരം മുകുന്ദ-
കാലാന്തകപ്രതിനിധിം പ്രണതോഽസ്മി നിത്യം ॥ ൬
യത്പാദപങ്കജയുഗം മുനയോഽപ്യജസ്രം
ഭക്ത്യാ ഭജന്തി ഭവരോഗനിവാരണായ ।
പുത്രം പുരാന്തകമുരാന്തകയോരുദാരം
നിത്യം നമാമ്യഹമമിത്രകുലാന്തകം തം ॥ ൭
കാന്തം കളായകുസുമദ്യുതിലോഭനീയ-
കാന്തിപ്രവാഹവിലസത്കമനീയരൂപം ।
കാന്താതനൂജസഹിതം നിഖിലാമയൌഘ-
ശാന്തിപ്രദം പ്രമഥയൂഥപതിം നമാമി ॥ ൮
ഭൂതേശ ഭൂരികരുണാമൃതപൂരപൂര്ണ-
വാരാന്നിധേ, വരദ, ഭക്തജനൈകബന്ധോ ।
പായാദ്ഭവാന് പ്രണതമേനമപാരഘോര-
സംസാരഭീതമിഹ മാമഖിലാമയേഭ്യഃ ॥ ൯
ഹേ ഭൂതനാഥ ഭഗവന്, ഭവദീയചാരു-
പാദാംബുജേ ഭവതു ഭക്തിരചഞ്ചലാ മേ ।
നാഥായ സര്‍വജഗതാം ഭജതാം ഭവാബ്ധി-
പോതായ നിത്യമഖിലാങ്ഗഭുവേ നമസ്തേ ॥ ൧൦

ശ്രീ ശാസ്താസ്തുതി ദശകം സമ്പൂര്ണം ॥

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