Sunday, January 06, 2019

musings 46

The narrations of episodes in Puranas are like offering a small pieces of peppermint to a child who is persuaded to drink some bitter medicine... while the medicine is gulped in with the help of the sweet peppermint, the child forgets the bitterness and tedium.

Just like that basically people are averse to approach God or spirituality. because the path is so arduous though beneficial like the medicine .

Therefore they are fed with some stories with very easy advantages and outcomes ..
Not that the stories are lies.. just like peppermint they are simple and sweet.. but the real destination is far away.. even difficult for the best of yogis to attain.. but the window-dressing of stories at the gate or entrance somehow persuades people to enter and take the first few steps towards the infinite..

Such stories have very little relevance for the seeker who has already crossed the gate and started the pursuit...

These stories only point to the necessity for some qualities of salesmanship whether you sell marble and tops or whether you sell God himself..

When the whole landscape is flooder, the poodle of water loses its significance.. yaavaan artha udapaane sarvataH samplutodake...यावान् अर्थ उदपाने सर्वतः संप्लुतोदके as rightly pointed out by the Blessed Lord in Gita

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