Thursday, January 03, 2019

P for protection...

पिनाक फणि बालेन्दु भस्म मन्दाकिनी युतः।
पवर्गं रचिता मूर्तिः अपवर्गं प्रदातु नः॥
॥ शिवस्तोत्रं॥

pināka phaṇi bālendu bhasma mandākinī yutaḥ|
pavargaṁ racitā mūrtiḥ apavargaṁ pradātu naḥ||
|| śivastotraṁ||

**The form of Lord Shiva,
manifesting itself wielding Pinakam, the bow,
having phani the serpants as garland, ,
baalendu the crescent moon adorning his matted hair,
smeared with bhasma the holy ashes all over His body,
and Mandakini the river Ganga flowing out from his head through the slits in His matted locks, ..
thus adorned with the Pa varga of the alphabet,
may grant us Apavarga, the eternal Heavenly abode..

** The the pa vyanjanam(consonant) in Sanskrit, is defined pavarga.. pa pha ba bha ma,, by grammarians..

** Apavarga means heaven..

** Shiva manifests Himself with objects whose name start with all the five letters of Pa varga in Him..

** However,for His devotees, He will grant Apavarga.. meaning Heaven.. Apavarga can also mean absence of pavarga..

**Students of Sanskrit may be able to understand this better..
The various objects attributed to Shiva are
Pinakam.. पिनाक the bow of lord Shiva..
Phani. फणि. the serpant
Baalendu.. बालेन्दु the crescent moon
Bhasma भस्म the holy ashes
Mandaakinee. मन्दाकिनी. the river Ganaga

Pavargam-- पवर्ग .. the forms of Pa in Sanskrit Alphabet.. Pa, Pha, Ba, Bha, Ma. प फ भ ब म

Apravargam.. अपवर्गं Heaven.
नः naH to us
Pradaatu . प्रदातु . May give

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