Saturday, January 12, 2019

persistent enemies

धैर्यं धुनोति विधुनोति मतिं क्षणेन
रोगं करोति शिथिलीकुरुते शरीरम्।
धर्मं हिनस्ति वचनं विदधात्यवाच्यम्
कोपो ग्रहो रतिपतिर्मदिरामदश्च॥
dhairyaṁ dhunoti vidhunoti matiṁ kṣaṇena
rogaṁ karoti śithilīkurute śarīram|
dharmaṁ hinasti vacanaṁ vidadhātyavācyam
kopo graho ratipatirmadirāmadaśca||

A worthy subhashitam..

They take away our boldness, courage, and stability of mind
They make us lose our mental balance suddenly and unreasoably 
They make our body sick 
They wither away our body
They destroy our sense of propriety, righteousness and dharam
They make us utter words which should never be uttered

The culprits are
1 Anger
2 The evil planets
3 Lust or carnal desires
4 Toddy, liquor, hooch, or intoxicating drinks or potions of any sort
5 Arrogance and vanity in our characte..

A checklist.. if read often can make us a lot better in many ways for our own sake and for the sake of the society....

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