Friday, January 04, 2019

pure mind is indeed a treasure..

श्रियः प्रदुग्धे विपदो रुणद्धि यशांसि सूते मलिनं प्रमार्ष्टि।
सम्स्कारशौचेन परम् पुनीते शुद्धा हि बुद्धिः किल कामधेनुः॥
śriyaḥ pradugdhe vipado ruṇaddhi yaśāṁsi sūte malinaṁ pramārṣṭi|
samskāraśaucena param punīte śuddhā hi buddhiḥ kila kāmadhenuḥ||

A pure and uncontaminated intellect is just like the divine cow Kamadhenu.. the matriarch of a cow with divine Grace to bless us with all that we desire.

The trained and well applied intellect 
Showers on us immense wealth and prosperity 
Prevents and protects us from all possible dangers.
Gives us torrential flow of fame and status in life
Cleanses us of all blemishes, physical and intellectual
Makes us pure through thoroughly tested purificatory rites or samskaras..

Note.. Kamadhenu is the divine cow which stays in the heaven. and she would be always pleased to grant the wishes of her devotees.. She is the mother of all cows.. The cows in general, gives us milk, make us rich with their milk and milk products, and possession of cattle is a sureshot way for safety security, stauts is life, and the presence of a cow is essential in all our yajnas and her milk and its derivatives, and even her dung or urine are useful to us.. either as nourishment of as purificatory things.. And Kamadhenu the mother cow was having divine powers too.. and it is famous that she fought a battle for Sage Vasishta with king Visvamitra.. and won the fight too..

All the qualities of the Divine cow and her children could be found in a well trained intellect too..

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