Saturday, January 19, 2019

we are distinct but we must unite

समौ चिद्धस्तौ न समं विविष्टः
संमातरा चिन्न समं दुहाते।
यमयौश्चिन्न समा वीर्याणि 
ज्ञाती चित् सन्तौ न समं पृणोतः॥
ऋग्वेदे १०-११७-९
samau ciddhastau na samaṁ viviṣṭaḥ
saṁmātarā cinna samaṁ duhāte|
yamayauścinna samā vīryāṇi 
jñātī cit santau na samaṁ pṛṇotaḥ||
ṛgvede 10-117-9
A great quote from Rigvedam

Two hands of ours are created identically, but their functions,strenghts and orientation are not the same

Two cows born of the same mother do not yield the same quantity of milk.

Even two brothers born as twins do not have identical valour and dexterity

Even persons born of the same lineage do not possess identically generous minds..

The glory of creation is in its contrast and variety..

our left and right sides of the body are created with great symmetry.. But for most of us the right limbs are potent, and their counterparts in the left are only proxies.. 

Cows from the same breed differ in their capacity to yield

Even twin brothers, differ in their attainments 

And attitudes of each person, even though of identical clan, lineage, nationality and so on vary.. 

Each one has a separate addres.. That might apply even to the individual cells and even smaller building blocks of our body ..

In fact, Rigvedam.. which forms the foundation of our culture, recognized the subtle differences and compllexities in creation..

.And its final call was unity in diversity..
it calls upon us..
संगच्छद्वं संवदध्वं सं नो मनांसि जानतां 
may we travel ahead in harmony, may we converse and debate in harmony, may our minds work in harmony..

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