Saturday, January 05, 2019

Why and when did Rama embrace Anjaneyaswamy?

Why and when did Rama embrace Anjaneyaswamy?

A friend raised this query.
I replied with reference to Valmikiramayanam

I am sharing my own reply to the query

"Embracing is a physical contact.
Hanuman has carried Rama and Laksmana on his shoulders many times.

That apart, in Valmiki Ramayanam Yuddha Kandam canto 1 sloka 13 and 14 it is stated that Rama full of gratitude for Anianeya's mission of discovery of sita in lanka ..embraced Hanuman.
The relevant slokams

एष सर्वस्वभूतस्तु परिष्वङ्गो हनूमतः।
मया कालमियं प्राप्य दत्तस्तस्य महात्मनः।। 13
इत्युक्त्वा प्रतिहृष्टाङ्गो रामस्तं परिषस्वजे।
हनूमन्तं कृतात्मानं कृतकार्यमुपागतम्।।14
Esha sarvaswabhutastu parishvango hanoomatah
Mayaa kaalamiyam praapya dattastsya mahaatmanah 13
Ityuktvaa pratihrushtaango taamastam parishasvaje
Hanoomantam kritaatmaanam kritakaaryamupaagatam 14

Rama Says
This embrace, which is all that I have in my possession to offer at this moment is offered to the lofty souled Hanuman with all my heart and spirit. 13

Saying so Sri Rama whose limbs were in thrill with delight at the thought of such enbrace embraced Hanuman the great soul and the great achiever..who has come back with flying colours successfully completing his mission in Lanka. 14
The glory is that Rama is thrilled with delight when He embraces the heroic emissary..Hanuman the Anjaneyaswamy.

Another instance to establish how supreme the status of Anjaneyaswamy was.
Hanuman is the bright glow of hope and accomplishment even when all circumstances are bleak and morose.

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