Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Invoking all Supreme deities before chanting Sri Rudram.

Invoking all Supreme deities before chanting Sri Rudram.

The invoking of all supreme divine powers on ourselves and connecting them all to the Most Supreme Paramatma.. bhagavan Rudra.. before engaging in chanting, floral worship, offering abhishekam and pranams to the Lord through Sri Rudram... also called Namakam..
Part of what we call Laghunayam.

अग्निर्मे वाचि श्रितः वाग्घृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।
agnirme vāci śritaḥ vāgghṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi|
Agni, the fire, and the deity of fire is present in the words I utter, or my capacity to utter words.. That capacity is connected to my heart.. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
वायुर्मे प्राणे श्रितः प्राणो हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।
vāyurme prāṇe śritaḥ prāṇo hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi|
The Air, the God of Air or wind, is present in my vital life energy which is circulating withing me in five forms.. Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udhana and Samana,, That Prana is encased in my heart..The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
सूर्यो मे चक्षुषि श्रितः चक्षुर् हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।
sūryo me cakṣuṣi śritaḥ cakṣur hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi|
The Sun, the God of Sun, is present in my pair of eyes, enabling me to see.. The vision possessed by me is connected to my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
चन्द्रमा मे मनसि श्रितः मनो हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।
candramā me manasi śritaḥ mano hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi|
The moon, the deity of Moon is present in my mind and is in control of all my thought process. The capacity to think is resident in my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
दिशो मे श्रोत्रे श्रितः श्रोत्रग्ं हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।

diśo me śrotre śritaḥ śrotragṁ hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi|
The ten directions.. East, South East, South, South west, West, North West, North, North East, Zenith(top) and Nadir (bottom) presided over by Indra,Agni, Yama, Nirruti, Vayu, Kubera, Eashaana, Vishnu and Brahma.. are all present in my ears and my capacity to hear.. That capacity is controlled by my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
आपो मे रेतसि श्रितः रेतो हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।
āpo me retasi śritaḥ reto hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi|
The waters and the Pavamana Devatas who control the waters are present in my Vital life producing fluid (semen). That semen and its vitality is connected to my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
पृथिवी मे शरीरे श्रिता शरीरग्ं हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।
pṛthivī me śarīre śritā śarīragṁ hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi|
The physical earth and the Goddess earth are present in the structure of my body... my body itself.. That body is operational because of my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
औषधिवनस्पतयो मे लोमसु श्रिताः लोमानि हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।auṣadhivanaspatayo me lomasu śritāḥ lomāni hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi|
The herbs plants and trees.. Aushadis that flower and produce fruits too and Vanaspatis that produce fruits but growing very small and practically invisible flowers, are all present in the hair growing all over my body.. The hairs are connected to and are sustained by my heart.The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
इन्द्रो मे बले श्रितः बलग्ं हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।
indro me bale śritaḥ balagṁ hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi|
Indra the leader of Gods is present in my physical strength. My physical strenght is connected to my heart. .The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
पर्जन्यो मे मूर्द्धनि श्रितः मूर्द्धा हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।
parjanyo me mūrddhani śritaḥ mūrddhā hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi| The God of Rains , the parjanya is present at the top of my head.. The top of my head is connected vitally to my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
ईशानो मे मन्वौ श्रितः मन्युर् हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।
īśāno me manvau śritaḥ manyur hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi| Eashaana.. the one who spreads everywhere as a manifestation of Lord Shiva Himself, is present in my anger, or in my capacity to get angry.. That capacity is connceted intensely with my heart.The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
आत्मा म आत्मनि श्रितः आत्मा हृदये हृदयं मयि अहं अमृते अमृतं ब्रह्मणि।ātmā ma ātmani śritaḥ ātmā hṛdaye hṛdayaṁ mayi ahaṁ amṛte amṛtaṁ brahmaṇi| The distinctive Atma or I ness which gives me physical identiy (Jeevatma) is present within me as an alternate manifestation of the Supreme being.. Paramatma.. That being is intensely connected ot my heart.
The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.

with the chant of the above mantras, we spread our consciousness to all the great beings in the Universe.. And then we withdraw such consciousness to with ourselves.. so that we can chant the praise of Ruda..Sri Rudram, sitting in our human bodies.
पुनर्म आत्मा पुर्नरायुरागात्। पुनः प्राणः पुनराकूतमागात्। वैश्वानरो रश्मिभिर् व वृधानः । अन्तः तिष्तत्वमृतस्य गोपाः॥
punarma ātmā purnarāyurāgāt| punaḥ prāṇaḥ punarākūtamāgāt| vaiśvānaro raśmibhir va vṛdhānaḥ | antaḥ tiṣtatvamṛtasya gopāḥ||

May that Atma come back to my pranas or Vital forces.
May those pranas which have mentally visited the abodes of the supreme come back an station itself in my body once again
May the God of Fire Vaishvanara flare up with bright flames, which might increase from strenght to strenght
And may the Gods who are the protectors of Amrutham , all stand alert within me,
As I chant Sri Rudram..

The meaning alone is given below separately.

The invoking of all supreme divine powers on ourselves and connecting them all to the Most Supreme Paramatma.. bhagavan Rudra.. before engaging in chanting, floral worship, offering abhishekam and pranams to the Lord through Sri Rudram... also called Namakam..
Part of what we call Laghunayam.
Agni, the fire, and the deity of fire is present in the words I utter, or my capacity to utter words.. That capacity is connected to my heart.. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
The Air, the God of Air or wind, is present in my vital life energy which is circulating withing me in five forms.. Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udhana and Samana,, That Prana is encased in my heart..The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
The Sun, the God of Sun, is present in my pair of eyes, enabling me to see.. The vision possessed by me is connected to my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
The moon, the deity of Moon is present in my mind and is in control of all my thought process. The capacity to think is resident in my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
The ten directions.. East, South East, South, South west, West, North West, North, North East, Zenith(top) and Nadir (bottom) presided over by Indra,Agni, Yama, Nirruti, Vayu, Kubera, Eashaana, Vishnu and Brahma.. are all present in my ears and my capacity to hear.. That capacity is controlled by my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
(Soma the moon.. is also considered as the Dikpala in Place of Kubera in some Vedic texts)
The waters and the Pavamana Devatas who control the waters are present in my Vital life producing fluid (semen). That semen and its vitality is connected to my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
The physical earth and the Goddess earth are present in the structure of my body... my body itself.. That body is operational because of my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
The herbs plants and trees.. Aushadis that flower and produce fruits too and Vanaspatis that produce fruits but growing very small and practically invisible flowers, are all present in the hair growing all over my body.. The hairs are connected to and are sustained by my heart.The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
Indra the leader of Gods is present in my physical strength. My physical strenght is connected to my heart. .The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
The God of Rains , the parjanya is present at the top of my head.. The top of my head is connected vitally to my heart. The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
Eashaana.. the one who spreads everywhere as a manifestation of Lord Shiva Himself, is present in my anger, or in my capacity to get angry.. That capacity is connceted intensely with my heart.The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
The distinctive Atma or I ness which gives me physical identiy (Jeevatma) is present within me as an alternate manifestation of the Supreme being.. Paramatma.. That being is intensely connected ot my heart.
The heart is within me.. I, who propose to chant the praise of Rudra, is floating in Amruta.. And that Amrutham is manifest in the Supreme Being.. Paramatma.. Parabrahma.. Lord Rudra Himself.
with the chant of the above mantras, we spread our consciousness to all the great beings in the Universe.. And then we withdraw such consciousness to with ourselves.. so that we can chant the praise of Ruda..Sri Rudram, sitting in our human bodies.

May that Atma come back to my pranas or Vital forces.
May those pranas which have mentally visited the abodes of the supreme come back an station itself in my body once again
May the God of Fire Vaishvanara flare up with bright flames, which might increase from strenght to strenght
And may the Gods who are the protectors of Amrutham , all stand alert within me,
As I chant Sri Rudram..

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