Wednesday, November 27, 2019

capacity to rise to the opportunity

सन्दर्भशक्तिहीनानां शास्त्राभ्यासो वृथा श्रमः।
मुग्धानि लब्द्वा पुष्पाणि मुण्डितः किं करिष्यति॥
सभारञ्जनशतके १३
sandarbhaśaktihīnānāṁ śāstrābhyāso vṛthā śramaḥ|
mugdhāni labdvā puṣpāṇi muṇḍitaḥ kiṁ kariṣyati||
sabhārañjanaśatake 13

Another great advise from Sabharanjana Shatakam of Nilakanda Deekshita
If a person has no inherent capacity to think and act according to situations and circumstances, any amount of training in arts and science and in proper conduct will be of no use to him. Such education and training is just waste of energy for the trainer and would be of no value for the one who is trained.

If a persons who is permanently bald or has tonsured his hair as a matter of habit comes by a lot of fragrant flowers, what can he do with such flowers..?
( Of course, the context of the couplet is when even men would adorn their curly tufts with fragrant and attractive flowers.. The situation is different now..
They say the distinctive feature of an idiot is that he would wear flowers tucked to their earlobes..
காதுல பூ is a surname for the credulous fellow in Tamil..)

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