Saturday, November 30, 2019

do not invite enmity even if you feel you are strong

बहुभिर्न विरोद्धव्यं दुर्बलैरपि धीमता।
स्फुरन्तमपि नागेन्द्रं भक्षयन्ति पिपीलिकाः॥
विष्णुशर्मणः पञ्चतन्त्रे॥३-११९
bahubhirna viroddhavyaṁ durbalairapi dhīmatā|
sphurantamapi nāgendraṁ bhakṣayanti pipīlikāḥ||
viṣṇuśarmaṇaḥ pañcatantre||3-119
A very worthy advise contained in the Panchatantam of Vishnu Sharma
A sensible person should never incur the enmity of a large number of people even if those people are all very weak and of little value individually..
He should remember that even a poisonous snake moving about in great form, could be attacked by a large colony of ants and these ants could even eat the snake alive although in parts..

The strong and virulent person tends to look down upon the small things with contempt.. Often he fails to appreciate the fact that when such small things join together and launch an attack, the strong person may perish..
The small people have nothing to lose by attempting to get something big.. And when they join together, their strength actually increase to levels much higher than the mere adding of the individual strengths of the small constituents.. At the same time the big person is deluded with excessive self confidence.
All these factors finally forces the big one to capitulate.

Many arrogant kings, many arrogant feudal overlords.. have fallen when small and insignificant people just joined and raised in revolt.. All the revolutions in the history of mankind happened like this..
The revolutions of democracy through ballots also happen this way..

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