Monday, November 18, 2019

fickle by nature

मनो मधुकरो मेघो मद्यपो मत्कुणो मरुत्।
मा मदो मर्कटो मत्स्यो मकारा दश चञ्चलाः॥
mano madhukaro megho madyapo matkuṇo marut|
mā mado markaṭo matsyo makārā daśa cañcalāḥ||

मनो मधुकरो मेघो मानिनी मदनो मरुत्।
मा मदो मर्कटो मत्स्यो मकारा दश चञ्चलाः॥
सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागारे १८५
mano madhukaro megho māninī madano marut|
mā mado markaṭo matsyo makārā daśa cañcalāḥ||
subhāṣitaratnabhāṇḍāgāre 185

A very famous subhashitam found in two slightly varying forms.. We can see it in the great compendium Subhashita Ratna Bhandagaram..

Ten things are listed as very fickle and changing at short notice.. Some of them can be kept under control only with eternal diligence and even when the attention is relaxed for a split second they may go out of control . And some of them are just beyond the control of anyone.

The first version lists the following
1. Human mind
2. The honey bee
3. The cloud
4. The one who is in the habit of taking intoxicating drinks
5. The bed bug
6. The wind
7. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth
8.. The feeling of pride, arrogance and self assuredness
9. A monkey
10 A fish

The second version lists most of these but with slight variation
The second list is
1. Human mind
2. The honey bee
3. The cloud
4. A lady, or the love of a lady
5. Kamadeva, the Lord of love
6. The wind
7. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth
8.. The feeling of pride, arrogance and self assuredness
9. A monkey
10 A fish

Both the lists are self explanatory..
No explanation might be needed..
I am just reproducing the quote from a famous text.. and reference to Ladies is not with any tinge of gender bias..

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