Thursday, November 21, 2019

head and heart not in sync ..

मनीषिणः सन्ति न ते हितैषिणो
हितैषिणः सन्ति न ते मनीषिणः।
सुहृत्च विद्वानपि दुर्लभो नृणां
यथौषधं स्वादु हितं च दुर्लभम्॥५८
बल्लालदेवस्य भोजप्रभन्धे॥
mānīṣiṇaḥ santi na te hitaiṣiṇo
hitaiṣiṇaḥ santi na te manīṣiṇaḥ|
suhṛtca vidvānapi durlabho nṛṇāṁ
yathauṣadhaṁ svādu hitaṁ ca durlabham||58
ballāladevasya bhojaprabhandhe||

There are many learned persons. who are not interested in the welfare of others
There are many kindhearted persons who do not have the adequate learning and skill enabliing them to be of service to others

But one rarely gets a person who is a friend deeply interested in his welfare and at the same time is having knowledge and skill too

It is simply like a medicine which is capable of healing our diseases and at the same time tasting nice too..

It is our experience that medicines which possess great curing capacity are often bitter to taste..

( A quote from Bhojaprabhandham of Ballaaladeva)

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