Wednesday, November 27, 2019

if you grow, you face challenges too..

If someone faces challenges and adversities in life, he should realize that he is growing..
If he is stagnant no one would really care enough even to notice him
A subhashitam from Nityaneeti underlines this idea

अक्षिपक्ष्म कदा लुप्तं छिद्यन्ते हि शिरोरुहः।
वर्धमानात्मनामेव भवन्ति हि विपत्तयः॥
नित्यनीतिः ८०
akṣipakṣma kadā luptaṁ chidyante hi śiroruhaḥ|
vardhamānātmanāmeva bhavanti hi vipattayaḥ||
nityanītiḥ 80
Do you see the hair on eyelashes ever trimmed or cut?
Only the hair atop the head will be cut or  trimmed at regular intervals
This reveals that dangers visit only persons who are growing..
The hair seen on the eyelashes never grow significantly. So they are not noticed at all..

अक्षिपक्ष्म hair growing on eyelashes
कदा ever
लुप्तं cut or trimmed
शिरोरुहः hair growing atop hear
छिद्यन्ते हि indeed is being cut regularly
वर्धमानात्मनामेव only to those persons who are growing
विपत्तयः dangers
भवन्ति हि happen indeed

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