Tuesday, November 26, 2019

look before you leap

गुणदोषावनिश्चित्य विधिनं ग्रहनिग्रहे।
स्वनाशाय यथा न्यस्तो दर्पात् सर्पमुखे करः॥
नारायनपण्डितस्य हितोपदेशे॥
guṇadoṣāvaniścitya vidhinaṁ grahanigrahe|
svanāśāya yathā nyasto darpāt sarpamukhe karaḥ||
nārāyanapaṇḍitasya hitopadeśe||

A very practical advice from Hitopadesham of Narayana Pandita

If a person attempts either to accept or reject an idea or proposition without really trying to understand whether that action is either beneficial or harmful, then he is inviting his own destruction
That action is just like a person prodded by arrogance, trying to place his hand on the mouth of a venomous snake

True, we can fail in our activities in spite of all the precautions we take.
Maybe we may progress well till almost the final lap, but might falter in the last step.
But that is not justification enough not to think, consider and evaluate the pros and cons at every step of our activities..

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