Tuesday, November 26, 2019

musings 64

Ramayana by Valmiki..is a mixture of facts and fiction and not necessarily historical narrative.
And poetry everywhere, in addition to beautiful language and imagery , contained speculations exaggerations and hyperbole too.
We know fiction or parable has to be viewed and enjoyed for the nice narrative rather than logic.
Even in real life in this apparently ultra scientific era we cannot put every incident into two separate and watertight baskets.. first one labelled rational or logical and second one labelled stupid or absurd.
The complexion of things vary and swing widely in between these two extremes.
And if we want to scan for exaggeration and lack of logic in an old narrative we can discover it even in the first stanza..and almost everywhere in its body.
Moreover we find similar absurdities even in what we claim as legal arguments and political speeches going the rounds today in press and media coverages and even in day to day transactions among people.
Facts are always watered down and exaggerated or underplayed.
That phenomenon is more pronounced in old stories.
Normally we value the nice and soothing messages conveyed by such texts and leave the fluff at arms length.
Human mind defies logic even where such illogicity spells real danger..
In this backdrop the narrative in an old poem cannot and need not be put for such an acid test of logical deduction.
We can take it that the narratives are used to portray human nobility and character at their best..but not at their logical best.

Learn from the core and just enjoy the fiction.. That is all..

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