Wednesday, November 27, 2019

musings 66

A point which I remind myself is that if the presence of that Supreme Being... God or Krishna or Christ or Allah could be felt when some thought about Him comes to mind.. and in spite of all turbidity and evil tendencies, the mind could just give a tiny space for that thought at least for a split second, then there is some sense in my existence..
And if we cannot feel that presence at least for some moments, then our life is just waste.. meaningless.

Procedures, visiting temples, chanting hymns, exposition of philosophies, debate on modalities.. adoption of Gurus and mentors, reading of books and fine tuning of the concepts.. all are of very minor significance.

Once we can think of God.. then where is the need of intermediaries?
And when we were born, whether we could relate to anything else around us , we could relate to our own mothers without anyone identifying her.

And God is a super mother.. a million times.. an infinite times closer to us even than our own mothers..
Why should we have any agents..?

We are fighting in the name of and regarding the identity of the Agents..
But even though we do not know the name of the God, or the shape of the God, we can always feel His presence in the core of our own being..
And our very being is where He resides.

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