Thursday, November 28, 2019

musings 67

society just evolves...and as the priorities and approach of the constituent role players would vary, the mindset, behaviour and even their lifestyle would undergo change..
If there is no change, there will be only stagnation and stagnation means gradual deterioration.. Deterioration for the Individual and the society too..
Yes if the change happens in a very phased manner.. causing no jolts, there will be hardly any problem..
Often some overzealous people clamour for change prematurely.. before the society is really prepared and the psyche of the people are ripe enough.. and this causes strife and often struggle too..
Why should we think of plucking ripe mango fruit even when the tree is just sprouting tender leaves ?
The leaves would come, the flowers will come, the spring will come, the fruits too would come.. and along with the songs of the cuckoos too

पश्याधुना पल्लव सूति काले किं कल्पते चूतलता फलाय ?
as asked by Sukumara kavi in Srikrishna vilasam..

We cannot make the fruit ripen even before the flower has appeared...

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