Friday, November 29, 2019

musings 68

A friend asked
പക്ഷേ, ഇപ്പോൾ mbbs, engg, പാസായാൽ ഉടനെ usa, uk യിലൊട്ടാണല്ലോ പോകുന്നത് നല്ല ജോലി തേടി

(But now, people who qualify in Medicine, Engineering etc try and manage to leave for US or UK)

{This was a rejoinder to a quote published by me where I had mentioned that own country or foreign country would make very little difference for the one who is really learned and efficient..}

My reply

There is no answer to such questions. Our ancient masters and philosophers presumed that certain levels of morals and ethical standards are inherent in our lives. But the society has disintegrated.
The ethical rules are formed with expectation of preponderance of fairness with minimal deviation.
You are talking about a society where deviation has overrun the normal.
I cannot quote the ancient masters and justify what is happening today.
For example, we always presumed that a woman is chaste and that husband and wife are faithful to one another to the utmost extent possible
If it is argued that it is not so at present then we can only cry in desperation.

My friend reminded me that what was right in olden times may not be so today.

My reply to that

Right and wrong vary with cultures. Our gurus have formed their ideas based on Indian ethos. The basic Indian ethics will not change. But the Indians of the present have mixed up our own ideas with some western ideas that are at loggerheads with our own. Like mixing milk and salt .. That is for our own detriment

Remark by the friend

Exactly. Till the early twentieth century, many women didn't wear upper garments to hide their torso. More particular in kerala. Now it is changed. Malabar muslim women are hibabs covering the entire body, putting even their counterparts of Pakistan put to shame. As u said, western ladies of late merrily walk around with barest minimum clothes. No wonder, we in india may also witness a similar sights in the near future

My reply to that

There were aberrations in every culture. Surely the dress code of Kerala mentioned by you was not an offshoot of any lofty philosophy. Often in arguments we tend to compare the things that need not be compared. Good and bad, sadaacharam and anaachaaram.. all were part of society at any point of time.

But basically honesty, respect for age, compassion non violence.. such ideas were stressed more in our culture when compared to any other. And chastity was also of highest order. The situation in Kerala arose in circumstances that were different.. and the dress code mentioned was not for all and not always..

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