Friday, November 22, 2019

no one is really safe, especially from fate...

व्योमैकान्तविहारिणोऽपि विहगाः सम्प्राप्नुवन्त्यापदं
बध्यन्ते निपुणैरगाधसलिलान्मीनाः समुद्रादपि।
दुर्णीतं किमिहास्ति किं च सुकृतं कः स्थानलाभे गुणः
कालः सर्वजनान् प्रसारितकरो गृह्णाति दूरादपि॥
पञ्चतन्त्रे २-२३
vyomaikāntavihāriṇo'pi vihagāḥ samprāpnuvantyāpadaṁ
badhyante nipuṇairagādhasalilānmīnāḥ samudrādapi|
durṇītaṁ kimihāsti kiṁ ca sukṛtaṁ kaḥ sthānalābhe guṇaḥ
kālaḥ sarvajanān prasāritakaro gṛhṇāti dūrādapi||
pañcatantre 2-23

A quote from VishnuSharma's Panchatantram

The message tries to bring home the fact that time and fate are powerful and we have little control over them..

The birds flying in the tall skies all alone and without interfering with others too land up in dangers.
The expert fishermen manage to catch fish even if such fish are sheltered in deep waters far down in the depth of the seas.

Is there anything that could not happen in this earth?

Is there any purpose in doing good or any evil in doing bad?
What is the use in claiming great efficiency?

Is there really any advantage just because one attains and very high and secure positon?
Indeed, time is spreading its arms everywhere and is grabbing every person even if that person is at a very great distance.

Of course, this is a statement of facts.. There is uncertainty and danger facing the living being in every corner in his journey..

We have to be aware of it.. And that awareness would cure us of a lot of arrogance and intolerance too

But sure, this does not mean we should not live our lives..
Danger or no danger, we have entered the fray..
We have to make every effort to comple the course successfully.

A word analysis
व्योमैकान्त विहारिणः wandering in the exclusiveness of the tall skies
अपि सन् evne though
विहगाः birds
आपदं संप्राप्नुवन्ति land up in dangers and face death

अगाधसलिलाद् समुद्राद् अपि even from the waters in the depth of the ocean
मीनाः निपुणैः बध्यन्ते the fish are caught by the expert fishermen
इह किं दुर्णीतं अस्ति in this world, what is beyond the reach of dangers?
इह किं सुकृतं in this world what is efficiency or good deed>
स्थानलाभे गुणः कः is attainment of safe and secure position a realy advantage?
प्रसारितकरः with outstretched hand
कालः time
सर्वजनान् all people
दूरादपि even from great distance
गृह्णाति. grabs..

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