Monday, November 25, 2019

our culture is to be polite and hospitable...

चक्षुर्दद्यात् मनो दद्याद्वाचं दद्याच्च सूनृतम्।
उत्थाय चासनं दद्यादेष धर्मः सनातनः॥
cakṣurdadyāt mano dadyādvācaṁ dadyācca sūnṛtam|
utthāya cāsanaṁ dadyādeṣa dharmaḥ sanātanaḥ||

The above quote from Mahabharatam summaries the process as to how a guest or a person approaching us should be received and entertained..
This is the standard procedure for us who follow Sanaatana Path..
Of course, the idea has universal appeal too..

This is the standard rule of Sanatana or the eternal Dharama, when a guest visits us
We should view him with affectionate and cordial eyes
We should give him all attention which a noble mind could give.
We should speak to him in sweet words, but the words should be entirely truthful
And when he approaches us we should rise from our seats, and either offer our own seats to him.. or a very comfortable seat, (we should sit down only after it is ensured that the guest is seated comfortably..)
Only a person with a very innocent and effusive mind can do this..
It seems that such minds were the normal things in those days of Mahabharatham..
Of course, there were aberrations.. Krishna was not offered proper seating, but was actually placed on a trap when the Lord visited the court of Dhritarastra as an emissary of truce from the Pandavas.. We know the consequences.

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