Tuesday, November 26, 2019

time cannot be bought....

आयुषः क्षण एकोऽपि सर्वरत्नैर्न लभ्यते।
नीयते तद् वृथा येन प्रमादः सुमहानहो॥
योगवासिष्ठे ६-३०-१७५-७८
āyuṣaḥ kṣaṇa eko'pi sarvaratnairna labhyate|
nīyate tad vṛthā yena pramādaḥ sumahānaho||
yogavāsiṣṭhe 6-30-175-78

A very simple statement from Yogavasishtam..
But it reveals an indisputable face.
Even a tiny moment in our life cannot be purchased or obtained in exchange of all the rich gems in this world.
If such precious moment is spent in wasteful activities by someone, then he is committing a very grave mistake..

Time is precious

Remember an old nursery song

Tick says the clock tick tick
Wait not for another tick
Time is running fast away
What we have to do do quick
Tick says the clock tick tick

word analysis
आयुषः of one's life
एकः single
क्षणः tiny moment
अपि even
सर्वरत्नैः by all gems
न लब्यते do not get
यदि if
तद् that
वृथा in vain, wastefully
नीयते spent
तर्हि then
अहो alas
सुमहान् very grave
प्रमादः mistake
भवति occurs

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