Friday, December 13, 2019

cheating at its hilarious best...

मौलौ किन्नु महेश मानिनि सरः किं वक्त्रं अम्भोरुहं 
किं नीलाळकवेणिका मधुकरी किं भ्रूलता वीचिका॥ 
किं नेत्रे शफरौ किमु स्तनयुगं प्रोङ्खद् रथाङ्गद्वयं 
साशङ्कामिति वञ्चयन् गिरिसुतां गङ्गाधरः पातु वः॥ 

maulau kinnu maheśa mānini saraḥ kiṁ vaktraṁ ambhoruhaṁ 
kiṁ nīlāḻakaveṇikā madhukarī kiṁ bhrūlatā vīcikā|| 
kiṁ netre śapharau kimu stanayugaṁ proṅkhad rathāṅgadvayaṁ 
sāśaṅkāmiti vañcayan girisutāṁ gaṅgādharaḥ pātu vaḥ||

മൌലൌ കിന്നു മഹേശ മാനിനി സരഃ കിം വക്ത്രം അംഭോരുഹം 
കിം നീലാളകവേണികാ മധുകരീ കിം ഭ്രൂലതാ വീചികാ॥ 
കിം നേത്രേ ശഫരൌ കിമു സ്തനയുഗം പ്രോങ്ഖദ് രഥാങ്ഗദ്വയം 
സാശങ്കാമിതി വഞ്ചയന് ഗിരിസുതാം ഗങ്ഗാധരഃ പാതു വഃ॥

Parvathi sees Ganga in the matted locks of Shiva and asks

महेश मौलौ किं नु Mahesh, what is there on your matted hair?
Shiva replies 
मानिनि सरः Respected Lady, it is a river, or rivulet or reservoir
Paravathi Asks 
किं वक्त्रं I see a mouth, what is that 
Shiva replies… अम्भोरुहं It is just a lotus flower (floating on the waters)
Parvathi Asks 
किं नीलालकवेनिका I see long tresses or long bluish hair (like that of a woman) there, what is that?
Shiva Replies मधुकरी that is a long row of honeybees (that are gathering around the flower )
Parvathi Asks
किं भ्रूलता I see a pair of shapely eyebrows on your head What are they?
Shiva Replies 
वीचिका they are tiny wavelets on the surface of water
Parvathy Asks 
किं नेत्रे I see a pair of eyes there on your head what are they?
Shiva Replies 
शफ़रौ they are a pair of tiny shining fish swimming on the water
Parvathy Asks 
किमु स्तनयुगं I see a pair of round breasts there on your matted locks, what are they?
Shiva Replies प्रोङ्खद् रथाङ्गद्वयं They are just two round wheels of a chariot floating on the surface of the water.
इति साशङ्काम् गिरिसुतां वञ्चयन् गङ्गाधरः वः पातु ॥ May that Shiva who carries the woman Ganga on his matted locks, but cheats the ever doubtful daughter of the Mountain through the above words protect you all.

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