Wednesday, December 11, 2019

the coveted five.....

जननी जन्मभूमिश्च जाह्नवी च जनार्दनः।
जनकः पञ्चमश्चैव जकाराः पञ्च दुर्लभाः॥

jananī janmabhūmiśca jāhnavī ca janārdanaḥ|
janakaḥ pañcamascaiva jakārāḥ pañca durlabhāḥ||

The five things whose names are starting with the letter Ja are very rare and precious but very sweet to be in proximity

Jananee.. Mother...
Janmabhoomi.. Motherland
Jaahnavee River Ganga
JanaardanaH Lord Vishnu..
JanakaH... Father

Jananee and Janaka ..The value of parents.. mother and father will not be appreciated by us when they are living and so near us.. We may even get irritated about the affectionate fuss they make about our welfare, and good conduct.. But their value will be known when they depart.. and also when we become parents ourselves..

Janmabhoomi.. Nothing can be more valuable that to be living in one's own place, country.. serving one's own country... and no thought can be sweeter than the thoughts about our own motherland..

Jaahnavee.. Ganga.. Ganga is the dream of every Indian.. so nourishing, so holy, so motherly.. A drop of water from Ganga poured on our parched lips would make us attain heaven on this earth.. Words are too futile when we start praising Ganga

Janardana .. The Lord Narayana.. Krishna... He is the ultimate solace in our lives.. The master of Gita, the sweet lover of Brindavan.. There again words would fail us ..

ജനനീ ജന്മഭൂമിശ്ച ജാഹ്നവീ ച ജനാര്‍ദ്ദനഃ।
ജനകഃ പഞ്ചമശ്ചൈവ ജകാരാഃ പഞ്ച ദുര്‍ലഭാഃ॥
"ജ" എന്ന അക്ഷരത്തില്‍ തുടങ്ങുന്ന പേരുകളുള്ള അഞ്ചു വസ്തുക്കള്‍ മധുരതരങ്ങളാണ്...
 പക്ഷെ  അവ പലപ്പോഴും   എളുപ്പത്തില്‍ നേടാവുന്നവയോ അനുഭവിക്കവുന്നവയോ  ആവില്ല

1 ജനനീ     അമ്മ
2 ജന്മഭൂമി   സ്വന്തം നാട്
3 ജാഹ്നവീ   ഗംഗാ നദി
4 ജനാര്‍ദ്ദനന്‍  സര്‍വശക്തനായ ഭഗവാന്‍
5 ജനകഃ  സ്വന്തം അച്ഛന്‍ 

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