Monday, December 23, 2019

just tell Krishna "I love You and I accept Your will."..

just tell Krishna "I love You and I accept Your will."..
and we can beg Him,
या त्वरा द्रौपदीत्राणे या त्वरा गजमोक्षणे |
मय्यार्ते करुणामूर्ते सा त्वरा क्व गता हरे
.yaa twaraa draupadee thraane yaa twaraa gajamokshane
mayyaathe karunaamoorthe saa twaraa kva gataa hare?
we have witnessed Your anxiety in protecting the modesty of Draupadi by providing her tons of clothes,
we saw Your speed and affection in saving that hapless elephant from the jaws of that fiery crocodile,
why don't You show at least a very small part of that concern for the wretch as I am,
You the embodiment of mercy,
so that I might also somehow live on in this world?
Krishna, anyway I cannot help loving You... do whatever You like..

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