Friday, December 27, 2019

musings 102

A fairly intelligent person with knowledge of different languages can easily switch his thinking process to the language he was to use for communication and
 expression .
There is no such hard and fast rule regarding thinking that one should think only in his mother tongue and then translate..
People who are fluent with many languages can switch over their thinking process among the languages..
I personally do it..

I think in Malayalam when I read write or speak Malayalam, likewise I switch to the respective languages when I write in 

Tamil or in English ..

But if I use Sanskrit, I may have to think in Iyer Tamil and then translate.. because thinking in Sanskrit requires so much erudition which I never can hope to achieve..

The faults and errors in expressions come or stem out of improper learning of the language, and rarely it would happen as a result of translation.. provided the person is reasonably facile with the respective languages..

Study of languages too involves a lot of dedication and hard work..
We should learn with mind, heart and brain and tongue too,
 but not merely by tongue..
That is all..

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