pachai maamalai pol mene

Monday, December 02, 2019

Musings 73

We can make the world beautiful by being in it with a beautiful mind made sweeter by love and concern for all around..

We can do so by discovering, recalling and applying the capacity inherent in us to recoup what we lost and to recover from damages and mutilations caused by self and others..

We tend to lose beauty when we have bad thoughts, when we do not clean ourselves or when we become ill..

But time and care and His Grace will bring us back to normalcy.

See how mother earth cleans up herself, filling the holes in her periodically and washing herself with rains and rivers..
It is so natural to her.

If we can learn a lesson or two from her, then alone can we say we are adding to the beauty of the earth..
Even inaction will kill beauty.. And kill us too..

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