Saturday, December 14, 2019

musings 81

I quoted something from Bagavat Gita and remarked that the quotes form rather the secular content of Gita.
A person asks
"Why quote it as secular.. It is from Bhagavat Gita a HIndu book

My answer is..

Bagavat gita is from an epic Mabhabharatham.. a creation for the whole of the universe and mankind..

Where is it ever said that the itihasam is Hindu..?
 Is any particular religion called Hinduism defined in the time of Mahabharatham..

So what is the justification in calling Gita a Hindu book?
In fact, no book has any religion

And I mentioned the three statements on yoga  (समत्वं योग उच्यते, योगः कर्मसु कौशलं, योगी भवति दुःखहा )as secular because they have nothing to do with any religion or worship.. but are mere records of reality..

Let me make it clear..
If you are trying to read my posts always in the light of religion or brahminism, that is not in accordance or in consonance with my beliefs or convictions.

Religion, spiritualism, etc happen .. just to reinforce the moral fabric in a human being
So ideas can be imbibed and quoted from any source including religion..
But that does not necessarily imply that such ideas are the copyright or exclusive property of any particular religion

And genuine secularism is to raise up above blind and unreasonable adherence to an idea merely on the basis of a religion..

The definitions of Yoga in Gita are not definitely religious ..
They are universal.. they transcend religions

If a great idea is found in a religious text and it is praised as shining above religion and therefore it is considered as secular, how can you counter that concept saying that the text from which idea is quoted belongs to a particular religion?

Words, ideas, and books are open for all..
And such words ideas and books which lead to moral elevation are more so.

If anyone sees me in the light of propagator of any blind faith, they are mistaken..
I want to steer clear of such persons..

Faith in god is something which is between me and my god.
.And that is not a subject for social media posts..

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